You Have A Big Argument

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Joseph Seed-

It's very, very, rare that you and Joseph have an argument. Even when you are extremely angry with him for something he tried to defuse the situation, he tries to be understanding, considerate and forgiving. But this time you had both upset each other and the more angry you became, the harder Joseph found it to contain his wrath. Eventually he snapped and actually started to shout back. Usually your arguments end by the time you both go to bed but this one continued into the night, he announced that he was going to bed and you announced that you were leaving. He didn't believe you at first so he just went to bed but then he heard the front door slam shut. He instantly forgot about going to bed and ran for the front door but you were already gone.

Joseph called his brothers and sister to ask if they had seen you, explaining that you had a huge argument. When he found out where you were staying, he headed straight there. There was a knock at the door and you answered it to reveal a red, puffy eyed Joseph. He knew that if you couldn't forgive him then he wouldn't be able to live with himself. "I am so sorry, my love. I should have tried to talk to you instead of ignoring the matter. Please forgive me, my dear" As soon as you opened the door, Joseph began to apologise, his eyes tearing up again. You smiled, some tears in your own eyes, as you apologised as well. He didn't hesitate to pull you into a loving embrace, before taking you back home.

Jacob Seed-

You and Jacob only really argued when you had both had stressful days and are both irritable, usually those arguments end after a little bit of shouting and you both going to separate rooms to calm down. This one didn't. You both had awful days, nothing went the way that either of you wanted and that only fuelled the argument. You both just kept shouting and scoffing at each other. You were pretty sure that the whole veteran centre could hear you both. Suddenly you both had enough and Jacob stormed out of the veteran centre, not wanting to take his anger out on you any longer. He left until he had calmed down, ready to fix things with you again, but when he got back you were gone. He searched the building but couldn't find you, he then sent men out all over Hope County to find you.

You had gone to the ranch, to stay with John. After telling John about everything that happened he let you stay. John actually tried to calm you down and convince you to forgive Jacob. You stayed at the ranch for about two days before John called Jacob, telling him were you where. Jacob didn't hesitate to come and see you, John left so that you could talk to Jacob alone. Jacob didn't do grand gestures so he just showed up at the ranch with an unreadable expression while you looked at him expectantly. "Why did you leave? You belong in the mountains with me...I'm sorry but never disappear like that again. Come home, pup" Jacob apologised. He wasn't very good at apologising or being in touch with his emotions but you can tell when he is being sincere and you could hear the sorrow, the hurt, the fear, and the concern in his voice. You just smiled before apologising to him and going home, where you both belong.

John Seed-

John tends to argue about stupid stuff, he knows that he does this but it doesn't actually make him see sense. You try to ignore his ranting but at some point you just snap and that's how most of your arguments begin. For some reason this argument just kept getting worse and worse, both of you shouting and neither of you even remembering why you are arguing. Eventually he told you to leave, so you did, you shouted at him once more before storming out of the ranch. As soon as the door slammed shut John's rage just disappeared, you had argued before and you had stormed out before but nothing was like this. It felt different and he feared that he just made a huge mistake. All he could do was stare at the door, knowing that you had left and may never be coming back, it was killing him

You had left the ranch before during an argument and Joseph had offered you a place to stay so you went there, he offered you a room and let you talk about the argument. It had only been a day before there was a knock on the door, Joseph was out at his sermon so you answered the door, only to be greeted by John. You were about to slam the door in his face but he stopped you. He was holding the largest bouquet of your favourite flowers that you've ever seen and wore a truly apologetic expression in his face, his eyes were red and puffy, he had obviously been crying. "I'm, so sorry. I was stupid, I never wanted you to leave, please don't leave me" John apologised and practically begged. You wanted him to hurt just a little longer but you missed him too and you knew that it wasn't completely his fault. So you took the flowers and you smiled at him, tears in your eyes and well as his, before you hugged him. He smiled into your hair before taking you back to the ranch with him, where you both belonged.

Faith Seed-

You and Faith never argue, you never really have anything to argue about and if you do you both work it out maturely by talking about it. But even you and Faith have rough days that make you both irritable. You were both tired and had rough days, both of you just wanted to be left alone and try to sleep it off. Everything that the other person was doing was making the other even more annoyed. Eventually you both just snapped and were shouting at each other. You both hated arguing with each other so it didn't take too long before you wanted to get away from it all. You just had to get out of there so you left the house, not wanting to say something that you would regret.

You went and stayed with Joseph, explaining what had happened between you and Faith. You had only planned on staying over night and heading home in the morning to apologise when you had both calmed down. You were in bed, wide awake since you couldn't stop thinking about Faith. You shot up when you heard knocking on the front door, you hurried to open it, not wanting the knock to wake Joseph. When you opened the door, Faith was standing there with red eyes and tears staining her cheeks. "I'm so sorry, please come back, I'll do anything..." Faith apologised and begged. You just smiled as you told her that everything was fine, you explained that you only left so that you could both calm down and that you were never going to leave her. She was so relieved as she pulled you into hug, never wanting to let go.


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