You're not Pretty...You're Beautiful

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Request: you say "you're not pretty" and wait for a reaction before saying "you're beautiful".

Joseph Seed-

You were watching him prepare for church, he always looked so good when he was focusing on setting up his next sermon. "You're not pretty" you hummed as you walks up to him. He looked at you with a confused expression, he knew that your love went much deeper than physical attraction. But he was still a little hurt that you didn't find him attractive. He looked away from you and focused on his sermon again. "You're beautiful" you smiled and wrapped your arms around his waist. You felt the tension leave his body. "Usually I admire you sense of humour, but please don't do that again" Joseph smiled, suddenly relieved that you did actually find him attractive physically as well as mentally.

Jacob Seed-

You were just sitting with him while he cleaned his gun, admiring the concentration yet relaxed look on his face. "You aren't pretty" you told him, still admiring his face. Jacob stopped cleaning his gun and looked at you, unable to tell if you were joking. "Yeah, well, look at yourself" Jacob mumbled, you just chuckled and shook your head. He pretended as if he wasn't bothered but he was actually a little offended. "You're beautiful" you finished and rested your head on his shoulder. Jacob sighed and put his gun down "you test my patience everyday" he mumbled and wrapped his arm around you. "You love it" you teased before kissing his cheek.

John Seed-

You were watching John working on his plane, his sleeves rolled up. His hands were dirty and he had a smudge if grease across his forehead, his hair was messy and had strands hanging over his forehead. He had never looked better. "You're not pretty" you told him, sitting off to the side. He instantly stopped what he was doing and turned around to face you, he was obviously offended and hurt by what you said. He just kind of stammered, not knowing what to say. "You're beautiful" you smiled when you thought that he had suffered enough. John blushed slightly, a little flustered from the rollercoaster of emotions. "Never do that again" he mumbled and turned away from you, working on his plane again. You smiled wider and walked over to him, standing in front of him and hugging him, kissing him gently. Of course he forgave you after that, and after you apologised a couple of times.


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