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I shut the drivers door after I slide into the drivers seat, my phone immediately started to ring. I reach into my pocket, giving my phone a confused look as I see the caller ID

Aunt Lucie

I answer her call because I know she'll never let it down if I don't answer her "Hey Aunt Lucie" I smile as I hook my phone to the Bluetooth and her voice echos in the car.

"Hi hun, I know your a little confused as to why I'm calling but I just wanted to say that your uncle and I will be coming to watch you tonight with the kids"She says all giddy. I chuckle.

"Has Uncle Brody gotten back from his business trip?" I ask as I pull out of the parking lot.

"Yea, he got back late last night"

"Well great! I'll be looking at the crowd tonight"

"Amazing! Good luck tonight Benny, we love you"

"Love you too"I smile. We hang up and I turn on some music. I knew today Mom was working and dad was doing some Lane Foundation things so Simon would be at home alone.

I locked up the car after I grabbed my things, I shoved my keys into the front door "Si!" I yell tiredly into the big house.

"Family room!" He yells. I walk further into the house to the main area, he was indeed laying on the couch in the family room, watching Netflix. "Hey"he gives me a smile and slowly sits up, I watch him wince as I walk over to the couch and flop down. He was watching Harry Potter. I place my right hand behind my head.

"How was practice?" He asks.


"Want some food?"

"Nah it's okay I ate at the rink"

"So where are you guys heading for the road trip the next two weeks?" He asks.

"Oh right, uh Arizona, Minnesota, Buffalo then Ottawa" I yawn.

"Minnesota huh? You still planning to fly out after the game and surprise Sophie?"

"Of course I am" I look up at my brother. "It'll be awhile until I see her again so"

"How long will you two even have?"

"Just a few hours I think, nothing to fancy. I just wanted to spend a couple hours together"

"You play Minnesota on the Friday right?" He asks. I hum as I watch Harry Potter.

"Why don't you surprise her with tickets to buffalo so she can come along with you and you have more time together, she can fly back to Michigan when you leave for Ottawa seeing as you don't play till Tuesday for Ottawa"

"You are really smart, when your not on the ice"I smile over at my brother and he chuckles.

"I do try, you know"

"To do what? Be smart or the most emotional out of the two of us?" I laugh as I got a pillow thrown to my face.

"Both for your information asshole"
After the six' o'clock game I was rushing to the airport to catch the next flight to Michigan "Go get your girl Lane!" David yells as I grab my stuff out of his car. I flip him off as I rush into the airport, still in my suit. The rookies and I had planned to do a crazy suit colour every new road game this road trip and I was in a full white suit. I had made the boarding just in time and I was on the flight to Michigan.

I had gone down to help Sophie move into her dorm so I had gotten to meet her roommate. We had been texting all day, she had been giving me info about what she was doing and how she never suspected anything.

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