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"Getting super tired of these morning practices May"Dad jokes as he pulls out of the driveway at four thirty am. I roll my eyes at him.

"You love it"

"Yes I do because you buy my coffee" he tells me.

"If you do think about it, your buying coffee"

"Okay stop being so smart and just eat your oatmeal"I laugh.

Waking up this early was now a routine for dad and I. I'd have morning practices three times a week. Monday's, Tuesday's, and Wednesday's were my morning practices and the rest of the days of the week were my night practices.

My morning practices would start at five am and would last for two hours and a half and I'd be done at six thirty and get home at seven and then I'd shower and get ready for school.

The timing works out so successfully it's crazy.

I eat my small bowl of oatmeal and my pre made breakfast burrito as dad goes through the drive thru of Tim Hortons, he gets himself his usual coffee and myself a tea. He would strongly agree that coffee for me this early in morning was not good, considering I would get all my morning energy from my private this morning.

When I decided to stop being on a gymnastics team and my private sessions started and my private coaches recommended that I do morning practices to even out my days, dad stepped forward and didn't mind driving me at four thirty in the morning. It felt like a good way to wake up now that it was the new year.

It was also my first day back at school since the Christmas holiday and Audrey and I went to bed at a terrible time goofing around in my room so waking up today was a little rough.

"So how's the ankle?" Dad asks as we pulled away from Tim Hortons.

"It's okay, still sore but my PT yesterday helped"I tell him, before the Christmas break I landed on my ankle weird when I landed off the vault.

"Well don't forget to ice it when you get home today" I nod as I eat t breakfast burrito.

"Are you picking me up from school today?" I ask.

"Yea I am, Audrey is doing a dance campaign thing at the studio so she'll be leaving right as her spare period starts"He informs me.

"I can't wait to take a nap today after school"

"You can't sleep to long" He remind me, I roll my eyes.

"Wake me up a bit before the game starts" I tell him.

"Will do" He gives me a small smile.
"May!" I hear Audrey yell as I spread some cream cheese and chopped up tomatoes on my bagel "are you ready?" My sister yells again.

"Yea!" I yell my mouth muffled with an apple "I'm downstairs!" I yell. I hear her footsteps.

"Jesus, you think cause you've already had breakfast you wouldn't be hungry"

"Are you kidding me?" I ask as shove another apple in my mouth.

She rolls her eyes as she lays her backpack on the counter and slips in her lunch "did you get everything you wanna eat at lunch?" She jokes. I stick my tongue out at her.

It was a running joke that I ate the most in the family, probably even more then my brothers if you combined what they ate. But seeing as I spent so much time at the gym it just evened out. I got lucky.

"Alright you ready to go?" She asks as I grab my cut up apples, throw them in a container and grab my bagel.

"Yea lets go" I nod and grab my school bag. We yell goodbye to dad who was upstairs on the phone, mom went to a yoga class this morning and left before we left for school.

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