Epilogue. (third pov)

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6 years later.

It would be the call that would send everyone falling to their knees, the dreaded call that everyone subconsciously worried about in the back of their mind as they went about on their day to day for the last seven years.

It was one call from Nashville Tennessee at around seven pm that would bring the tears and screams together from California were it was five pm and from New York and Toronto where it was eight pm.

"Sophie? What's wrong?" Mabel questions as she sat in the UCLA gymnastics locker room, warming up to sing the American National Anthem for a gymnastics meet, ironic considering she was Canadian.

"Sophie?" Mabel repeats as she hears nothing but crying on the other end of her phone. "What's wrong?" The youngest Lane questions, now worried.

"I-It's Be-Bennett" Sophie reveals. Mabel's eyes widen.

"What's wrong?" Mabel questions the sobbing girl that was a mere four hour flight away from her.

"He suffered a collapsed lung at practice today"she says, having more control of her voice now.

Mabel immediately ran through the terrible possibilities in her head as she nervously bit on her finger nail.

"Soph" Mabel whispers into her cell phone.

"He's gone May, Ben's gone."Sophie announces.

Mabel couldn't believe what she was hearing, her sister in law's voice seemed so distant as the youngest Lane fell to her knees in shock. She didn't know how to feel, or how her other siblings would react.

It was back in New York when Audrey stepped off the Radio City Music stage, exhausted from the first set they had done. They had plenty more to get through but costume changes are needed.

"Audrey!" A backstage crew member yells as she rushes along with the rest of the girls to change costume "your phone has been going off!" The crew member finishes. She nods.

It was rare for Audrey to receive any calls or texts especially at this time when her family and friends knew that she would be spending her night on stage performing for the city of New York. Audrey quickly changes into her second costume of the night.

The twenty five year old reached for her phone in her purse coming to a holt as she noticed all of the missed calls and unread text messages from her family members and even her long time boyfriend.

Most of the text messages had been her family members telling her to call them immediately, she ignored them and found a news update from Sportsnet.

Bennett Lane suffers from collapsed lung during Nashville Predators practice, dies at the age of 28.

The girl stopped in the busy dressing room, re reading the terrible headline she had just witnessed.

"Audrey! Come on! We gotta get back out there!" She heard. Her feet could no longer move, her body paralyzed. Tears refused to stream out because she did not want what she had just read to be true.

She had just talked to her older brother this morning, how could things change in a mere few hours.

"Audrey!" She heard her name being called again. Her head became dizzy as her feet stumbled back and her phone fell from her hand, followed by her body.

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