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"So uh tell me again why we're cooking mom and dad dinner?" Mabel asks. I cast Bennett a look and he shakes his head.

"Mom and dad deserve a night off from everything okay, and this is just a small appreciation for them May" Simon chuckles.

"And making, garlic buttered salmon and baby potatoes is an appreciation gift?"

"Having them not making dinner for a night and have all of their kids be home for dinner is a gift" I explain.

"Hmm okay, makes sense. This dinner making party sucks. Can I please turn on some music?"

"Your hardly doing anything"I joke to my sister and she sticks out her tongue as she connects her phone to the Bluetooth.

"Yea, why don't you be useful May and make the fruit salad?" Bennett laughs. She nods.

An hour later, we hear the front door open and two voices echoing as they enter the main area of the house "well, isn't this a surprise" Mom says as her and dad stop by the island nook.

"Surprise!" We yell, and dad chuckles.

"Smells really good in here"Mom smiles as she lets go of dad's hand.

"Well I'd sure hope so"I smile up at mom, she kisses the top of my head before I carried the plates to the dinner table by our back door. Soon we were all sitting down at the hardly ever used dinner table.

"I can't remember the last time we all sat down at this table and ate a family meal" Mom says as she places her napkin on her lap.

"Yea I honestly can't remember either" Dad agrees.

"I think the very last time was probably the first night in St Louis" Simon says.

"Hmm I remember that!" I nod "we had Chinese"

"Hmm and, Mabel ended up throwing up later that night"Bennett laughs as he points to Mabel with his fork, whom was sitting beside me. We all laugh and I nudge my sister.

"And yet I've vowed to never ever eat Chinese again"Mabel shakes her head, I laugh again.

"Princess I don't think it's the Chinese itself, I think it was that one restaurant"Dad says piling some baby potatoes on to his plate.

"Okay well either way, the Chinese itself, the St. Louis Chinese I'm never eating it again"The twin's laugh and I couldn't help but smile.

"This is delicious"Mom praises "good job"She smiles at the four of us.

"Thank god the Adams have taught Bennett a few things about cooking" Mabel jokes. Bennett rolls his eyes at our sister.

"So is it a bother to ask why your mother and I came home to a home cooked meal?" Dad asks, reaching for his wine.

"We can't cook you a nice home cooked meal? And have a family dinner for once?" I look at him, he raises his eyebrows at me and chuckles.

"Touché sunlight, touché" He winks at me.

"We should do this more often" Mom says.

"It's a one time thing mom, you know the twins schedule" Mabel says.

"Okay fine, the one time out of the week the boys aren't at the arena, we have a family dinner Alright?" Mom asks and looks to the four of us.

"Okay, Fine by me"I nod. Everyone else soon agrees. I cut up my salmon and smile to my sister after I take a bite.
"Knock, knock" a voice calls. I look to my door and rip out my headphones. I see Dad standing at my doorway.

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