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Giving our best regards and wishes to Bennett after his lung transplant surgery! Hoping for a speedy recovery and back on the ice soon!

Mom, Dad, and Audrey were in New York for one of Audrey's many auditions for Juilliard. I was at my gymnastics private with Uncle Travis when we all got calls from Simon telling us that Bennett was in surgery for a new lung.

I didn't believe Simon when he had called Uncle Travis. But it wasn't like how my mother reacted when she got the call. She burst into tears and practically collapsed on the floor.

We were all shocked that Bennett had decided to go through with the transplant. When Uncle Travis and I arrived at the hospital, Aunt Lucie, Samantha, Cassidy and Uncle Alex were waiting. Soon later our grandparents rushed in with Uncle Mitch and Aunt Steph.

Mom, Dad and Audrey didn't arrive till later that night but Bennett was still in surgery.

"So how was it?" I ask my sister. Our phones had died hours ago and we were struggling to keep ourselves entertained. Audrey glances at our parents who were talking to Simon, probably discussing why Bennett decided this right now.

"It was good, I did another solo audition and then a group combo" she tells me as I pull on the strings of my hoodie.

"So did you hear anything about Sophie?" My sister asks me, playing with her dead phone.

"Simon told me that before Ben got the call they somewhat broke up"

"Excuse me?" Audrey asks, causing the attentions of some of our family members.

"But like obviously Bennett was hot headed and needed to cool down"

"So is she coming?" Audrey asks. Before I could give an answer Sophie rushes in with a suitcase and backpack. My parents and Simon turn to her, she pulls my brother into a hug and then my parents.

"Ouu she looks like she had been crying"Audrey mumble.

"Bennett and Sophie did somewhat break up earlier today"I point out. Simon and Sophie talk for a bit before Simon takes her stuff, probably about to put it in his car. Sophie walks over to us and hugs all of us.

Megan had gone and dropped Bennett's car at their apartment considering when Simon found him at Lake Ontario, they took Simon's car to the hospital.

"Hey"Sophie gives the two of us a tired smile before I hug her, she hugs Audrey.

"How you doing?" I ask her gently.

"I'm okay, just thankful a bit" I squeeze her shoulder.

"He didn't mean it" Audrey tells him.

"Yea I know, but I didn't expect to have a fight with him, a break up and then him have a lung transplant all in one night"she sighs and sits on the chair beside me to my left. I rub her arm.

A doctor comes out "Mr and Mrs Lane?" He calls, mom and dad stand up immediately. I couldn't help but notice they had grabbed each other's hands immediately. Audrey pulls me up gently and we walk over to the adults, Sophie right behind us.

I look over the doctor to see Megan and Simon walking through the sliding doors hand in hand, they stand around us.

"I've gotta tell you, Bennett did amazing. A real trooper. We had problems with the anesthesia but other then that the surgery went well"the doctor says with a smile. Dad kisses the side of mom's head.

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