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"Again"My coach says. "Mabel"He snaps. I stand up immediately. Before I get back on the beam he places his hands on my shoulders.

"I know I've been pushing you and that's because I know you can do it, okay?" He says giving me a genuine smile. I nod and wipe my forehead with the back of my hand.

"Good, take a few breaths because I know you can do it"He repeats. I nod again and place my hands on the beam. I breath in and out a few times before starting my beam ready, again.

I stayed at the gym for another two hours before I was sent to get some sleep and then I'd be back at night.

"How's my baby doing?" Dad asks as he stands up as I enter the waiting room.

"Daddy I hurting"I sigh and lean against him. He chuckles as he lifts me up and practically carries me to the car. "My body is so sore"I groan as I sit down in the passenger seat.

"Would you like a bath first?" He asks me.

"I have to say yes but I'm afraid I'll fall asleep" he laughs as he starts the car. He reaches into the back and gives me a blanket.

"Take a power nap" He instructs.

"Don't have to tell me twice"I sigh and recline the seat. He pats my knee before I lean back and let sleep take over my body.
I walk down the stairs rubbing my eyes. It was quiet so I assumed mom and dad were out and Audrey was studying. I was surprised to see Mom sitting at the nook working, dad was asleep on the couch and I could see Audrey sitting outside studying for exams.

This semester I didn't have a heavy load of exams, I only had English and history so I didn't have to study as hard as Audrey.

"Hey honey"Mom smiles up at me, looking away from her laptop.

"Hi"I yawn. She chuckles.

"Would you like some lunch?" She asks. I take a peak at the oven.

"It's like three pm"

"And you won't have dinner till late so lunch it is"She says getting up "can you call in your sister, she refused to eat when your father and I had lunch"I nod and walk towards the back.

"Hey Aud, lunch"

"I'm on a roll"She says.

"Do you think I care?" I ask her. She looks up from her books and sighs.

"Fine I'm coming" She sighs and stands up.

"What's for lunch?" I ask mom as I sit down at the nook.

"I made turkey and cheese crescent rolls and a fruit salad" She tells us as Audrey sits down beside me. She sighs and rubs her forehead.

"How was practice May?" audrey asks.


"And aren't you going back?" Mom asks.

"Yea I have too, I'm training with the whole team tonight"I sigh. She nods. "Are you guys gonna go watch the game?" I ask them.

"I am, with the girls. Audrey is studying with a few friends at the house and your father is staying"

"He's sleeping in the middle of the day?" I question as I look over at him.

"He had a panic attack earlier while you were asleep" Audrey tells me quietly.

"What?" I question my sister. She nods slowly. "When was the last time he had one of those"

"Since he stopped playing"Mom says as she sits down across from us after handing us our plates. "He's going to the doctors tomorrow"

"So um did hear about Benny, how he can skate again in a couple weeks?" I ask them.

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