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📍huntingdownchristmastrees mabellane Dad said he'd allow two trees if we could carry them

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mabellane Dad said he'd allow two trees if we could carry them....... we have one tree.
tagged audreylane

marner_93 Of course Joel would say that.
travisdermott Oh come on dad!!😂
audreylane you could've came and helped convinced him @travisdermott
simonlane okay so like how big is the tree actually???
bennettlane yea cause those look kinda small.....
mia_westfield I'm surprised you weren't able to carry it. You two are pretty strong....

The Lane's

Guess who gets to play before Christmas!!!

May 🤸‍♀️ 🎶



Dad🕶That's my boy!!!

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That's my boy!!!

Time to call in the troops!

"Alright where should we go for lunch?" Dad asks as we all slide into the car.

"Somewhere not to fancy, I smell like the woods" Audrey sighs and mom laughs.

"Okay umm how about" Dad trails off and looks to mom. "Sushi?" He asks, looking back at us quickly. I shrug "Audrey?"

"Uh Yea Sushi sounds good" she nods. I stare at my sister and nudge her. I give her a questioning look and she shakes her head. I mouth if she's okay and she nods.

"What's for dinner?" She randomly asks.

Mom laughs "why?"

"Just because"She shrugs.

"I was thinking stuffed peppers"

"Can the girls come over tonight?" She asks.

"I suppose so, we're not doing much" Mom agreed.

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