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📍Zambia, East Africa

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📍Zambia, East Africa.
audreylane As another life changing and inspiring trip comes to an end I'm always grateful to have my eyes open to new parts of the world and it makes me even more grateful for the life I have been giving because every trip I take with my dad makes me realize how lucky I am compared to others around the world. I'm always thankful to my dad who brings me along on these trips that open my eyes to many that he and I have chosen to partner up with UNICEF and make our own foundation within to help those in need. I wish to make this world better and have young children be able to grow up with everything I had grown up with a family, free healthcare, fresh water and clean food and most importantly education. Thank you dad for allowing me to see parts of the world I had known were suffering in their own beauty.
The A and J foundation will be linked in my bio for those wishing to donate and help kids in need.
Thank you in advance :)
tagged joellane

joellane being a proud father of you is an understatement.
mabellane yay that's my sis! Now please come home so I can hug you! I miss you!
chloelane so proud of you Aud, I know this always a project you have dreamed about!
bennettlane hell yea!
simonlane so proud.
marner_93 congratulations my wonderful goddaughter for conquering another one of your dreams!
travisdermott yes!! That's my sister!

 marner_93 congratulations my wonderful goddaughter for conquering another one of your dreams! travisdermott yes!! That's my sister!

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📍Zambia, East Africa
joellane It's always been a pleasure of me to bring Audrey along on missions like these. Seeing the way she interacts with each kid we come across and knowing after every year her aspirations are even more powerful. The A and J Foundation is up and we're partnering with UNICEF to bring children around the world, a family, healthcare, fresh water and food and a good education. I'm proud to say that this foundation is all Audrey even if my name is included, this is all her doing and it's filled with all her wishes and dreams. The link for our foundation is in bio. We'd like to thank you in advance.
tagged audreylane.

austonmatthews very proud of Audrey! Can't wait to donate!
williamnylander so glad to see Audrey making her own footprint in this world!
benpatrick woohoooo!!!
stephmarner adorable! Can't wait to hear all the stories when you two get back! And Congratulations!
kalanileblanc that's my goddaughter! You go girl!

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