Familiars (michifer)

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I'm probably gonna make a book out of this.

In which Michael and Lucifer have some of the rarest kind of familiars in the world.


It was the first day of school. Michael dreaded this day, where you had to reveal your familiar to your class.

It was the first day of school. Lucifer dreaded this day, where he will have to show his familiar to his class.

Michael took a seat at the back of the classroom, his for now invisible familiar Munin perched on his desk. A sandy-haired guy sat next to him, his familiar also hidden, like the rest of the class.

Lucifer sat beside a black-haired guy in the back of the class, Cerber sitting next to his desk and Viserys still at home. He couldn't bring them both at school.

Both boys feared the moment where they'll have to reveal the animal who accompanied them from their birth.

"Michael Novak."

When his name was called, Michael stood and walked to the front of the class, the still invisible Munin perched on his shoulder, and Michael regretted not taking Fenrir instead.

"His name is Munin, one of Odin's ravens."

Then, the familiar revealed itself, a huge white raven appearing, leaving the whole class in awe. But maybe now Lucifer was a little less stressed to show his familiar.

"Lucifer Winchester."

Just like Michael, Lucifer stood and walked to the front.

"His name is Cerber."

Cerber revealed himself, a hellhound blacker than the night with glowing red eyes. He was immense, reaching Lucifer's elbow.

This time, the class watched with fear more than awe. How ironic, a kid called Lucifer had a hellhound familiar.

Lucifer regained his place, not wanting to look at the boy next to him and his white raven.

"Hi, I'm Michael."

'Well shit,' Lucifer thought.

"Hi, I'm Lucifer. Is he really a white raven?"

"Yeah, but sometimes I wished he was just a normal raven," Michael said, earning a squaw of indignation from Munin. "Less attention drawn on me."

"Talk about it, I have a frigging hellhound! It's just sad you can't have two of them in school. Viserys is pretty lonely at home right now." Michael realized Viserys could only be another familiar.

"Yeah. Wanna hang out after school? Between us, we have some of the rarest familiar there is. Plus, we both have two."

"Yeah, of course. You could come over at my house." 'Wait, he has two too?' Lucifer thought at the same time.

"Deal. See you at the main gates at 4:00"

Michael's classes finished at 2 'o clock, so he made a stop at his home to pick up his wolf.

"Fenrir, I'm home! We're going out tonight!"

As soon as Michael closed the door, a green-eyed black wolf jumped on him. The thing was, Fenrir was taller than Michael, who was around 6 foot tall.

Michael wanted to make Fenrir a surprise for Lucifer. They had most of their classes together and were already friends, but Lucifer only new Fenrir's name. It would be fun, maybe they could be friends.

If only he knew.

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