A Special Halloween (michifer)

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In which Mickey is determined for him and Luci to have the best costumes.


"Why am I here?" Lucifer whined. "It's literally six-thirty in the morning!"

"Because," Michael started, looking awefully proud of himself, "it's our last year and we're gonna have the best costumes in the whole school."

They ate, then went back to the living room.

"Will it involve makeup?" Lucifer sighed.

Michael rolled his eyes. "Duh."

"So you already have it or what? I wasn't gonna dress up this year."

Michael smiled. "It's gonna be awesome." He pushed a bag in Lucifer's hands. "Now go change."

A couple of minutes later, Michael and Lucifer were both dressed. While Michael was grinning from war to ear, Lucifer was more dumbfounded.

They had matching costumes. Brown leather boots that reached half-shin, black pants tucked in them, a black old looking shirt, a red gilet for Lucifer and a blue one for Michael(you know these things they used to put above the shirt and under the coat and that are usually white and full of buttons) and a black coat above it all, reaching their ankles. It had patterns on the hem of the sleeves and the collar, gold for Lucifer and silver for Michael. On their head was a big musketeer hat with one huge feather tucked in in, again it was red for Lucifer and blue for Michael. Their hands were covered by white leather cloves, contrasting with the rest of the outfit.

"What are we going at?" Lucifer asked, admitting that the costumes were awesome. He was just nervous about the makeup part.

"We're musketeers, well, kinda like ghost musketeers or something," Michael said. He wasn't really sure. "Ok sit down, we're getting your makeup on."

Lucifer was actually quite fond of his makeup afterwards. His face was looking paler, his cheekbones were sharpened a bit, his lips were a crimson red and his eyelids were now red and gold. Michael's was the same but with blue and silver.

"And now, the final touch," Michael exclaimed, coming back with glitter and hair cray.

He managed to get a good quantity of glitter in Lucifer's hair, just enough so that his hair was shining in the light. He also had the front of Lucifer's hair with red strands in it thanks to the cray. Then again, he did the same thing to himself but with blue.

"No, wait, there's another final touch," Michael added. Sprinting away, he came back with two large belts, a sword tucked in each one. "These are actual rubber swords my dad managed to get from a random film set I don't remember the name of."

Lucifer smiled, surprise at how much effort Michael put into the desguises. Michael being Michael, Lucifer knew he had made at least half of them himself.

They walked into school head high, earning side glances from many students. Around half of the school was in disguise and they were quite probaly the ones with the most flamboyant costume. Well, them and their group of friends.

"Oh my god Michifer look at you!" Charlie squealed when she saw them. She was dressed as a fairy while Jo was a demon. Michael laughed. They weren't Michael and Lucifer anymore, it was just Michifer. "You're gonna make the competition right?"

"Is that even a question?" Michael joked. Every year at Halloween there was a costume contest.

"Like, hell yeah we are," Lucifer added and Charlie squealed again. Her ship was acting cute, finishing each other's sentences like that. Fact is she didn't know it was canon.

"Hey guys," Gabriel said as he walked by. In true Gabriel fashion, for his costume he was dressed in drag, makeup, dress and all.

Michael shot him an offended glare. "One: how dare you assume my gender and two: why didn't I get to do your makeup?"

Gabriel immediately backed away, holding his hands up in surrender, mocked fear on his face. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to! Please forgive me!"

The group erupted into laughter before scattering to go to their classes.

At lunchtime the contest took place. Michael and Lucifer ate in ten minutes maximum, then Michael made sure everything was perfect when they went to the gym.

"Next up are Michael and Lucifer!" The announcer said into their mic.

The pair walked on stage, bowing low and doing a fancy wave with their hats. There was a loud cheer from the audience as Michael stepped up and took the mic.

"Hey everyone, I'm Michael, he's Lucifer. We're musketeers, it was my idea. Um, I put the costumes together myself, also, um, I'm the one who did our makeup so, yeah, that's it."

They turned around on themselves one time before putting their hats back on, walking off the stage under the cheers of the people there.

After quite a lot of people the bell finally rang, telling them to go to their classes. During their third period Michael and Lucifer fiddled with their fingers, exited for the results to be leaked. Finally, after 75 minutes of waiting, the bell rung and a message on the speakers crackled.

"For the costume contest this lunch, here are the winners. For the boys; In third place: Samandriel Novak and Adam Milligan. In second place: Francis Bonnefoy. In first place: Michael Novak and Lucifer Shirley." The cheers of their friends overpowered the message as Michael and Lucifer gaped, jumping in excitement. "... Charlie Bradbury and Jo Harvelle." There was more squealing. "You may come get your prises at the gymnasium now. Congrats to all of you again!"

They rushed to the gym, collecting the huge bags of candy that was their prises. And they were right, it was the best Halloween of their lives.

I know it isn't Halloween and I royally don't care.

I really think that out of the group Michael would be the one to wear makeup on a daily basis just because he likes it. Don't you think?

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