The Angel Who Fell and The Fallen Who Rose(michifer) pt.1

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This is already so long, not gonna be a book

Soulmate AU where there's two kinds of people: Angels, who get wings upon meeting their soulmate, and Fallens, who get plain coloured eyes.


They learned about the prophecy today. It went like this:

When an Angel shall fall
And a Fallen shall rise,
Soulmates, named after Archangels
More powerful than the ones they get their names from,
They will change our thinkings
For good or for bad.

It was quite nebulous, but what Michael could understand of it was that there will be the first Angel/Fallen soulmates couple, and they would probably get the other's characteristics. Also they were either named Raphael, Gabriel, Michael or Lucifer.

He knew he was an Angel, his whole family were Angels, yet he could only be sure of it when he'd meet his soulmate. But soulmate or not, today was the day he'd ask Lucifer Novak, the guy he had a crush on since forever, to go on a date.

Lucifer, on his side, was sure he was a Fallen, his name claimed it out loud. And today was the day he'd ask Michael out, the boy he had a crush on since they met.

The day they met, Michael had bumped into Lucifer, and they were both speechless in front of the other's beauty, before Michael started rambling excuses, took his things and ran away, Lucifer's gaze still on him.

Lucifer spotted Michael in the crowd of students. Assembling his courage, he walked up to him.

Michael saw Lucifer walk towards him. What should he do? He settled on keeping on walking as normally as possible.

When Lucifer reached Michael, he had a big smile on his face.

"Hey Michael!"

"Oh, hey Lucifer!" Michael answered with a shy smile.

"I was wondering, would you go out with me, like a date or something?"

Michael couldn't believe it. Did Lucifer just asked him out? Did it meant he liked him too?

"Uh, yeah, of course! When?"

"Um, I don't know, maybe come with me after school and we'll see, maybe a cafe or something?"

"Yeah, sure, works for me!"

They parted ways, both unbelieving how well it went. Michael was proud of himself for not stuttering, and Lucifer was happy he didn't just run away. Both couldn't wait until class finished.

They met up at the main gates and walked to Lucifer's car, a '65 Ford Mustang.

"Nice car," Michael said, and Lucifer slightly blushed at the compliment.

"Yeah, I got it from my father. Where so you wanna go?"

"I know it's cliché, but I don't know, Starbucks?"

"Starbucks it is!"

They commanded under Michael's name, though Lucifer thought it would be fun to see the people's faces when Lucifer would be called. The date went well, they could tell the other loved them and that was all they need.

It was 7:00 when they parted, bit not before Lucifer had asked Michael to be his boyfriend.

When Michael went back home, his mother immediately started soaping him about not going out without a warning.

"Where were you!" she yelled at him.

"Out with a friend," he muttered back.

His mother considered homosexuality as a sin, and he'd probably get beaten up then kicked out if she learned he was gay.

"What did you say?"

"I said I was out with a friend," he repeated clearer.

"You never go out again like that, understood? I will not let you hang out again with some fag who will turn you like him. You're grounded until next month. Go to your room!"

Lucifer, him, didn't get noticed at all. His father was used to him getting home late and didn't question it anymore.

Michael pondered if he really could get with Lucifer. Sure, the guy loved him, but he didn't want to have a secret relationship. He was terrible at lying. It broke his heart, but he didn't want him or Lucifer to bet hurt by his mother.

The next day, at school, Michael refused any sign that could indicate him and Lucifer were together. It startled Lucifer, and at the end of the day Lucifer finally asked what was going on.

"It's my mother, Lucifer, she firmly believes homosexuality is a sin. The last time I hung out with another queer guy, we moved here so I wasn't under his 'bad influence' anymore. If she founds out I'm dating a man, she'll probably kick me out, or worst, we're gonna move again."

"I don't care what she thinks. My father's cool with it, damn it, he himself is bi! She kicks you out, I'm sure you could live with us."

"You don't understand-"

"I think I understand-"

"It's complicated, damn it!" Michael almost yelled. "I'm sorry Lucifer, I just need time to think this out, ok?" he said, in a gentler tone.

"Ok, fine, you can't date me because your mother is a homophobic bitch."

On that, Lucifer stormed out to his car, and after a moment Michael ran after him.

"Lucifer, please, wait!"

Lucifer turned around, anger on his features. He wasn't angry at Michael, but rather at his mother for being that kind of a person.

"I get it, Michael. You don't want me, and I go away. Simple."

Michael didn't know what to do. He was hurt by the anger on Lucifer's face, and sad at his own words. So he did what his feels told him: he grabbed Lucifer's jacket and smashed their lips together.

The moment Lucifer kissed back, a bright light surrounded them, blinding most of the students around. Strangely, it looked as though there was a darkness into it, devouring the light. It soon went away before the two pulled away.

"What was... what was that?"

"That was me kissing you, idiot," Michael shrugged.

"No, that part I get it. What was that light?"

"Well, I might not have listened well in class, but I'm pretty sure that meant we're soulmates," Michael said, grinning madly.

Ignoring the stares they were getting, they kissed again, then hopped into the car.

They went at Michael's house, he came out to his mother and she said he had a day before he had to get out, which included a lot of yelling. Thankfully, she didn't hit him, the treat of his boyfriend visibly enough. Lucifer went off, promising Michael he could move with them.

That was way longer than I expected, and it's gonna have a part two. Yay! Sorry for the rushed ending though, that's already over a thousand words.

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