The Last Part

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Castiel woke up alone again, in a different bed. From what it looked like, he was back at around 18 years-old.

Knowledge, this time, didn't settle in his brain, for some reason. He knew he was eighteen, that he was in his last year of high school, but that was it. No particular info, just his age.

He was walking to his class when he bumped into someone. The snarky comment he was about to make died in his throat when he saw he had walked into Dean, and that the skin on his left side, where Dean and him had hit, was strangely changing.

It seemed to be glitching, irregularly flashing between normal and white-ish with pale golden patterns. Thankfully, it soon came back to normal, and apparently no one had noticed except him and Dean, who mouthed 'Cas' with a somewhat confused and hoping look on his face.

The rest of Castiel's day went by normally, he didn't meet Dean and his skin didn't glitch again. The next day however, he had a class with Dean and the guy chose to sit right next to him.

"You changed, Cas," Dean said.

"How so?" Cas asked, though not willing to go there.

"Yesterday you didn't talk to me like you did before. Your attitude has changed and your overall look too."

Castiel frowned. He really didn't want to explain everything again. "And?"

"I don't know, it seems like you've changed, as if you came from, I don't know, another dimension?" Dean was desperately trying to hint Cas, to see if it really could be his Cas.

At this Castiel froze, scared at the choice of words. How could Dean know? Cas however chose to stick by Dean for the rest of the day, just to make his doubts go away.

Back at his house, Castiel was listening to a show when thunder boomed, making him jump and whimper. For some reason he had always hated thunderstorms, and it suddenly came back to him, everything; a lightning strike, three gun shots, a white room.

He feared thunderstorms because it reminded him of the day he died.

His body then began to change. In a waving manner, his skin became white, twirling pale-gold patterns everywhere, even on his face. His hair turned a lighter shade of blue, and had the appearance of plastic though it still was hair. To complete all this, his eyes were glowing a dim blue.

After that, Dean's reaction came back to his mind, and he knew this time, it was the right one.

He jumped at another lightning strike, his body seemed to glitch as he disappeared from this room and reappeared in front of Dean, who stared at him wide-eyed.

"Cas," Dean whispered, but there wasn't any interrogation in his voice; only happiness and and a hint of surprise.

Then Dean's appearance also changed. His skin was also white, but with silver patterns, his hair was looking like glass and his eyes were dully glowing green.

Cas rushed in Dean's arms as thunder rumbled once again, immediately calming down in Dean's arms.

"I thought I'd never see you again," Dean whispered. "But they wiped your memory, how- How did you find me again?"

"I was born again as one of my other versions, I had absolutely no memories of you whatsoever. Then I met Dean, and thanks to him I changed dimensions for the first time in eighteen years."

"How did you do it? I mean, something must've triggered it, you know?"

Despite the current storm, Castiel smirked. "Fuck you."

"What?" Dean said, half-offended.

"I mean, for some of them I literally had to fuck you, then I went to sleep and woke up in another world," Castiel said, the smirk leaving his face when the room lit white from another lightning, taking a small yelp from Cas' lips. "Actually, each world in which I went I had to fix something or get us together."

"Wow, you really wanted me, didn't you?" Dean said, barely repressing his smirk.

"Oh shut up," Cas said, but the heart wasn't there. At least, now that Dean was there, he was less afraid. "You know, I collected quite a few things, actually."

"What are you talking about?"

"When they... made me, they perfected me more than you. I was prototype II, a better version. I- I keep some things from each universe I visit."

"How so?"

"Well, now I have amazing arts skills, natural fighting reflexes, two soulmates marks, a bottomless pit of pop-culture knowledge, ears and a tail and, oh yeah, wings."

"Ears and- wait... Can I see them? Your wings?"

Cas nodded, spreading his wings, but retracted them as soon as Dean stretched a hand to touch them. "Nope, no touching. At least not now."


"Horny wings, if you see what I mean," Cas chuckled, and Dean did the same.

"Yeah, I see. Later, maybe, we could have some fun with that," Dean suggested, smirk on his face.

Cas then realized something. The storm went on, but he wasn't afraid, not anymore. Surely, it was because after all these years, he had finally found Dean, his Dean, the first Dean he ever met.

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