Metamorphs (samcifer)

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I am very likely to do a book about this.

In which Sam and Lucifer are demons, but not the demons we're used to.


Sam Winchester had wings. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't an angel, even less a demon. Well, he was a demon, but not in the common sense of the thing we think of as a 'demon'. Here, demons were animals, capable of magic and, most importantly, changing into a human from, even if they kept some animalistic traits in the process. And Sam, he was a dragon, but not any dragon. He was Sarhym, the legendary black wyvern, the first demon.

Lucifer Pellegrino also had wings. Just like Sam, though, he wasn't an angel, but a demon. He was a rokh, a thunder-bird. He too was a shapeshifter. All demons were.

Lucifer met Sam when he walked into the cafe Sam was working at, and immediately thought something was off with him. For a split second, he had seen a flash of turquoise in Sam's eyes, and strange bumps on his spine, but just like it appeared it was gone.

Sam, him, knew Lucifer was different from the man's yellow eyes, though the red reflects in his blond hair, making it almost fiery, was another strange thing. He knew by that that Lucifer was a demon, but Lucifer didn't seem to know Sam was one.

You know that feeling when you see someone, like you suddenly want to kiss them? For them, when they saw each other, it was more like they wanted to be by each other's side for the rest of their lives, and that strong emotion was what made Sam's cover flinch, even for only a split second.

Lucifer's doubts slowly went away as they grew closer, but the weird vision happened another time.

It wasn't their first date, but it was their first kiss. When they parted, for only an instant, Sam's eyes were of a blueish turquoise with vertical pupils, but just like the first time he blinked and it was gone.

Lucifer started to worry. Was he seeing things? Why was he seeing these things on Sam? Was Sam hiding something?

Two weeks later Lucifer was really worried. Sam was more and more jumpy, as if he expected someone to creep behind him and take him away at any moment.

So when Sam took off in the middle of a date, pretexting a headache, Lucifer of course followed him from afar, and his doubts were confirmed when he saw Sam being suddenly pulled into an alley.

Carefully, Lucifer moved closer, just enough to see and hear what was going on. Sam was talking to three men that were dressed in suits. Angels. Lucifer wondered what Sam had to do with angels, but then heard the conversation.

"... surprised you haven't caught me before," Sam was saying. "It was a homemade spell really, I had no idea if it would work. But it worked marvellously, and- and not only on angels." A homemade spell? A spell? Angels? What was Sam talking about? He didn't even know anything about angels!

"You do know what we are here for, don't you?" said the taller angel.

"Oh yes, you're here to take your vengeance upon me for having destroyed your precious city. City, by the way, that is now only a legend.  Come, let's see who'll win."

Now, Lucifer was having a hard time processing all that information. I have to say, what he was about to see wouldn't help.

During the seconds of floating after Sam had spoke and before the angels attacked, Sam's cloaking went down, this time for many seconds, giving Lucifer a clear view.

Sam's skin was now littered with black scales, them creating ever changing patterns on his skin, moving and waving. Spikes had pierced his shirt along his spine, creating a crest, almost like a dragon's one. Also, his eyes were shining turquoise, and two giant, bat-like wings spread from his back.

Then the angels attacked, and a back-to-normal Sam took no time  to kill them all, stunning Lucifer even more. But when Sam fell to his knees, Lucifer sprinted towards him, pulling him back against the wall so that Sam could sit.

"What just happened?" Lucifer couldn't help but ask, visibly still stunned.

"Half-transformations are the worst," Sam whispered.

In front of Lucifer's frowning face, Sam pulled on the collar of his shirt, revealing a dragon tattoo. The wyvern, when it was revealed, let out a silent roar, flapping its wings. Then, before Lucifer's incredulous stare, Sam passed out, leaving Lucifer to process that Sam was, in fact, a demon, and wonder why he hid it all this time.

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