Love Sheild (michifer)

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I saw a prompt in luciferstempest book When in Doubt, Go With The Classics where it's said that the more one is loved, the more they are protected from harm, so here's my attempt at writing that. (deal with an angel was there too)


"Hey Mickey," he said, walking to Michael.

"Hey love," Michael responded, frowning when he saw his travel clothes. "You leaving again?"

He nodded, sadly looking down. "Yeah."

"Why? You got us enough money to live in luxury for the rest of our lives! Why do you have to go and risk your life again?"

"I'm sorry." He met Michael's eyes, opening his fist. "It's the last time."

Inside were two iridescent rings. "They can convey emotions. This is my vow."

"You'll come back, yes?"

"I promise. If I'm not back in two months, fear the worst." He pulled Michael in a lingering kiss. "See you later," and just like that he was gone.

I went out of my way not to name him here please appreciate the effort.

"Lucifer Novak," the juge said and Lucifer walked on the stand. "You, for multiple accounts of first degree murder, kidnapping, impersonating an agent of the king, theft, possession of illegal substances and fraud, are condemned to death."

Twirling the ring on his finger, Lucifer kneeled and prepared himself for the final blow, sending all that he felt through the ring. Almost instantly, comfort and love washed through him.

He closed his eyes, waiting for the blade to meet his neck. It never did.

Lucifer opened his eyes, seeing bits of steel all around him. The executioner was dumbfounded, staring at the handle in his hand that wasn't attached to a blade anymore.

They tried again, with different methods, but each time Lucifer magically escaped death.

The juge looked shocked and, strangely, afraid. "What is happening?"

Lucifer smirked, hiding his inner delight. "Ever heard of the power of love?"

There was a collective gasp from the audience. Who in their right minds would love someone like that? To them, Lucifer was a murderer, a thief, a bandit, not someone but something twisted, tainted and disgusting. They were too deep judging that they couldn't see the caring lover and beautiful individual under that, the man who hated what he wad doing.

Mortified, the juge was forced to let Lucifer get away with it. If the police catches him again, he'd be trialed for all of his crimes yet again and would be sentenced to death. With that in mind, they cleared him of everything he had done, with the warning that if they ever caught him again it would be prison for life.

And so Lucifer prepared to go home.


It had been a month and Michael couldn't help, he started to worry. Who wouldn't? Especially when a wave of apprehension, love and regret washed over him. He figured it was Lucifer and replied the best as he could.

Half a month later, Lucifer came back. Michael was asleep by then, so Lucifer changed and slipped into bed with him. As soon as he was laying down, Michael sleepily pulled him closer, cuddling into him.

When he woke up Michael wasn't surprised to be cuddling someone. Lucifer was like that, he just came back at the middle of the night and act as if nothing had happened.

Though that morning, Michael noticed a fresh scar on the back of Lucifer's neck, probably made with a sword. What did it mean? He shook Lucifer awake. Lucifer stirred, complaining.

"What's that scar on your neck?" Michael asked, knowing Lucifer was too sleepy to lie.

"Execution," Lucifer replied and Michael froze.

"You moron," Michael grumbled. Of course, he already knew their love protected them, but at that extent? That was a new.

Michael pulled Lucifer closer, trying to fall asleep again. That had been Lucifer's last mission, now they could be together for the rest of their lives.

If I do a vampire AU, which one would be the vamp?

Btw, according to the Top wants to love and Bottom wants to be loved rule, Luci would be a bottom. Just sayin'...

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