Let's Dance (michifer)

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So there's a show there that was called Les dieux de la danse, traduction Gods Of Dancing, and I really wanted to make the characters in this so...


"So today, as you could see, there was only two dances," Chuck started. "Fo you know why?" he asked the crowd, who cheered. The juges looked confused. They didn't know about the surprise. "So as it is the last episode, I decided to do something special for all of you."

The lights went out and the clip started.

"So as you can see I'm in a park," Chuck whispered, "and there are these two amazing dancers there. They just stopped, I think they recognized me." The camera followed Chuck as he walked towards the two men who were looking at him with wide eyes. "Hello," Chuck greeted them.

"Hi," they both said at the same time, causing them to giggle. "You're Chuck, right?"

"Yeah, that's me. So I saw you and I was wondering if you wanted to make a number for my show?"

The blond one put his hand to his mouth and started jumping on place. "Oh my god yes!"

The screen cut, now they were in the studio.

"Hi, I'm Michael Cohen," the one with the black hair said. "This is my partner, Lucifer Novak and yes, that is his real name. We're currently finishing to choreograph our dance, what you're about to see will be entirely from us. We're doing a modern dance, it's really our field of expertise."

It cut again, they were still in the studio.

"When it says when you're falling in a forest, you know, one of us could fall down-" Michael let himself fall on the ground as if he had fainted- "and then it says and there's nobody around so the other could make a spin or something-"

Then it cut again to them practicing some lifts and the screen cut, instead the stage lightened up.

Michael and Lucifer were there, standing opposite on the stage. Michael was wearing pants that looked like jeans but were thin and made of coton and a loose blue and white striped shirt. Lucifer was wearing the same sort of pants but with a grey hoodie zipped up.

The music started and they started to move. During all four minutes they danced, but didn't touch each other apart from during the choruses, where they would do spectacular jumps and lifts and make it look like it was easy. As the final words echoed they sprinted towards each other, linking their hands, the other hand snaking on the other's neck while they rested their foreheads together.

The crowd erupted in cheers and they broke into big, goofy smiles, walking towards the couches with their hands still linked.

They sat down next to Chuck, exhausted but never stopping to smile.

"That was amazing!" Chuck exclaimed. "Wow! Now, I know this isn't the competition anymore, I know usually the people that come here are stars that don't really know how to dance but juges, I'd like to have your opinion and the score you would give them."

As always, it started with Charlie, the 'emotions' juge. "Three words: Oh My God! I mean wow, that was absolutely awesome! The thing you did, splitting the scene in two, really nice. Plus, I think the song is Waving Through A Window right? Just with the theme. It was- I don't even have words. I give it a hundred."

Then it was Castiel's turn, who was the 'technique' juge. "Like Charlie here said, wow. Your steps were perfect, your were always on time with the music and the other, you never missed a beat, you nailed every jump, even your lifts were extremely technical but you played it off like it was easy. Not only that, but you wrote all of it. Congratulations, I am falling off of my chair. I give it a hundred."

"Aw, thanks Cassie," Lucifer said, because of course he was Castiel's brother.

Then it was Bobby's turn, aka the grumpy one who was rarely impressed. "I'm in total accord with them. You guys blew my mind. Really, it was one of the best thing I've ever seen. Definitely the best we had here."

Michael and Lucifer had impossibly big grins on their faces. "It really means a lot to us," Lucifer said. "We're big fans of the show really, it's amazing to be able to be here right now."

"You're a fan," Michael protested, you just forced me to watch it!"

Everyone laughed.

"But you guys," Chuck started, "you started to sing first, isn't it?"

Michael nodded enthusiastically. "I love just any musicals, name it I've seen it so I made sure I was able to sing and dance, just in case, and he followed me in my folly!"

"It wasn't a folly, dummy, it got us a part in Newsies!"

Charlie gasped. "That's why I thought I'd seen you before! I went to see it not long ago!"

They nodded.

"Alright then! I'll let you guys go, I think you have another thing for us right?"

"Yup," Lucifer said, popping the P. "And you're all gonna love it!"

They went backstage, still holding hands and after a while they came back onstage with a whole troop.

"So we're actually doing a shortened version of it, quite like the medley they did," Michael said and the music began.

Charlie looked like she was about to faint when Seize The Day started. (Go check it out, I've put the choreography they do at the start)

After it finished they didn't come back, instead waved multiple times and went away. Let's say it was the most watched episode of that show and people asked themselves who were these young prodigies.

Hope you liked it, I did, but seriously go watch the clip above it's absolutely mental!

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