Angels Are Real (samcifer)

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In which Michael and Lucifer are hunters and Sam and Dean are angels.


Lucifer and Michael were in Detroit Illinois, investigating sightings of two men having supposedly killed black-eyed people with only a touch. Now they were ambushed in an alley, listening to the conversation the two men had, them fitting the description. One was ridiculously tall and the other had surreal green eyes.

"I told you Dean, this would get us killed. And you know what happened? It's even worst: we're exiled," the taller one said.

"At least we still have our Grace," the one called Dean replied, to what the other scoffed, then froze.

"We're being spied on, Dean." How could they've seen Michael and Lucifer when they were extremely well hidden?

"You sure Sam?" Dean asked while Sam walked right to the two hunters.

"Yeah," Sam said, and the hunters were thrown out of their hiding and onto the wall.

"Who are you?" Sam asked, Michael and Lucifer falling back on their feet.

"Better: What are you?" Lucifer shot back.

Sam sighed. "Angels of the Lord. Well, not of the Lord anymore, just angels."

"Oh, yeah, totally. Angels," Michael said, sarcasm dripping in his voice.

Sighing again, Sam straightened his back as flashes of light illuminated the shape of wings spreading on the wall behind him. Lucifer was left in awe.

"Yeah, I believe now, but still, why did you said you were exiled?" Lucifer asked, curiosity taking over his instincts.

This time it was Dean who sighed. "Why would we tell you?" And just like that, the two angels were gone.


"I need your help," a voice said, startling both hunters.

Guns in hand, Michael and Lucifer turned around, only to find there standing one of the two angels they had met a month ago.

"What do you want?" Michael asked, on his guards, while Lucifer was just staring at Sam, trying to understand why he felt so pulled towards him.

"Dean's missing and I can't reach him, I don't have all the ingredients for a summoning spell and you two are the only humans who I have, even barely, interacted with," Sam said, staring weirdly back at Lucifer.


The next time Lucifer and Sam met was two weeks after and this time Lucifer was alone.

"Hi Lucifer," Sam softly said, startling Lucifer who this time didn't pull out his gun, recognizing the voice.

"Why are you here Sam?"

"There's something I want you to understand," Sam started, unsure of how to say it.

"What is it?" Lucifer said, frowning. He couldn't help but trust Sam even if they had met only twice, and that inexplicable attraction was growing stronger.

"I- you feel the pull, don't you?" Lucifer nodded. "Like you're drawn towards me, like you want to be by my side and-" Sam trailed off. "I know what causes it, but there's nothing I can do about it if you don't reciprocate."

Frowning more, Lucifer asked "What is it?"

"We're soulmates." The words came out as barely a whisper. "We're soulmates Lucifer, and wether you like it or not we're destined to be together. Just letting you know that I love you before you rudely push me away because we barely even know each other," he added with a dry laugh, then flew away.

Lucifer was left standing there, questioning his entire life and how he could get Sam to come back. Then he went foe the most obvious solution: praying.

"Hey Sam, I don't know if this'll work, but I want to say that I never said I'd push you away, neither did I say I didn't want this, I'm just surprised so... please come back, at least we can talk this through." Lucifer sat and sighed (lot of sighing involved in this OS oups), waiting for Sam to hopefully come back.

Five minutes had passed when he heard a flutter of wings, looking up to meet Sam's eyes.

"Heya Sammy." This managed to bring a small smile on Sam's lips.

"It's Sam."

"Yeah whatever." Not really knowing what to do or say, Lucifer stood up, rubbing the back of his neck. "So, I just-" Then something went off in his mind and he stepped forward, pressing his lips on Sam's, who froze for a moment before kissing back.

When they parted, Lucifer let out a small chuckle. "I never thought I'd kiss an angel." Sam looked at him, fearing what could come next. "But you know, I think I won't mind at all if we're soulmates," and then he kissed Sam again, lingering until there was a knock on the door and Sam disappeared, but somehow Lucifer knew he was still in the room.

"What do you want?" Lucifer asked, slightly irritated because whoever it was, they interrupted a very important moment to him.

"It's me Luce," Michael called. "I'll be out for the night, take care."

Sam reappeared when the footsteps went away, a sly smirk on his face. "All night, the room to us," he said, any trace of unease suddenly gone after Lucifer had kissed him.

"Wow Sammy, dirty much?" Lucifer said, but returned the smirk, the pull he had felt towards Sam now changing into something more.

"I've been waiting so fucking long for this," Sam growled, pressing Lucifer on the wall to kiss him.

Use your imagination for what went after that.

When he woke up, the first thing Lucifer thought- and he said it out loud- was: "If a year ago you would've told me I'd have sex with an angel, and a male one, I would've shot you in the mouth," to what Sam laughed and replied "And yet here you are, laying naked on a wing belonging to said angel."

"And yet here I am, laying naked on a wing belonging to my angelic soulmate, who by the way may or may not have been exiled from heaven for some stupid thing I don't even know about," Lucifer said, the two of them erupting into a fit of laughter.

"Shit," Sam said then, but still not moving.



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