Murder Spree (michifer)

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In which Lucifer's a serial killer, killing all his one night stands the morning after.

Him and Michael are childhood friends and while he fell in a murder spree, Michael was just as psycho.


Charlie worked part time at a bar, when she wasn't out killing people. She'd select some guys at the bar for Lucifer, just because she was a lesbian didn't mean she was blind.

That day, an extremely attractive man walked in. He was quite tall, blue eyed and his ebony hair had silver strands in it, though he probably was in his mid-twenties. The perfect victim.

She started to try and hit on him, until he told her he didn't swing that way. To what she responded, as if it always had been the case, that it was only a bet with her friends, said friend being supposedly too shy to see him. And the man fell in her trap, asking when he could meet her friend.

Charlie gave him a paper with the place on it, and told him to be there in a quarter.

The man had had only one drink, and wasn't tipsy for a bit when walked to the alley Charlie had indicated. He hadn't had the time to make a step in before he was slammed into the wall, an arm pushing on his throat and a hand on his mouth, keeping him from screaming.

Lucifer saw the man step in, backlight rendering it impossible to see his features. From what he could see the man was tall, though smaller than him, and quite well built. He smirked. This was gonna be fun.

Lucifer pinned the stranger to the wall, the dim light allowing him to see his features. Black and silver hair, blue eyes... Lucifer's eyes widened in shock, but he didn't back away. Instead, he whispered: "Michael?"

Michael's eyes grew wide as he tried to get rid of the hand on his mouth. He knew his assailant's face too well.


Lucifer released Michael, dropped everything and ran back to his motel, collapsing on his bed. He knew it wasn't Charlie's fault, she didn't know Michael, well he had never described him to her.

The next day, when he met up with Charlie, she seemed quite pleased with her pick, but her smile faded when she saw Lucifer's blank expression.

"What happened? Didn't like him?" she asked, genuinely concerned if Lucifer didn't like who she send him.

"Michael" was the only thing he said, in a dim voice.

Charlie's eyes widened. "Go get him, Luce! I don't care what you think he could think of you, just don't tell him, try to make it up with him!"

Michael, him, was just as shaken as Lucifer, if not even more. His childhood friend, the one he had a crush on for how many years, suddenly reappeared. By attacking him.

Michael didn't know about Lucifer's killing spree. He only heard that there was a certain man you didn't want to hook up with, or you'll be dead after the act. He didn't know that was Lucifer.

That night he went back to the alley, wanting to see Lucifer again. His friend was indeed there, but he was kneeling over a body, a bloody knife in hand.


Said man turned around, droplets of blood smeared over his face, a scary grin on his face. It wasn't the man Michael had known, yet he wasn't afraid. If it was gonna be his death, what better way to go than by his love's hand? Besides, he was just like Michael looked sometimes.

Lucifer's grin fell when he saw Michael, replaced by a stone cold expression. He stood up, walking up to the only man he ever loved.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice devoid of any emotions, if not slightly menacing.

"What are you doing here?" Michael shot back.

A dry laugh escaped Lucifer's mouth. "Just the usual, a hook up that didn't end well... in fact, they never end well. Not for them, or course."

"So you are the one who kills his one night stands." Michael paused, a smirk making it's way to his lips. "I've always wanted to meet you." He made his way to Lucifer, stopping at only inches of Lucifer's face. "You're not the only psycho in town."

"Oh, I'm curious now," Lucifer said, smirking back at Michael. He wasn't scared of meeting him anymore. "How exactly would you describe psycho?"

"Well, I also quite enjoy slaying my conquests, but I pick them in the closeted crowd. Funnier, they won't never admit they liked it." He slid a hand on Lucifer's torso. "I'm curious... do you think we would kill each other?"

Lucifer's smirk widened at the blatant invitation. Maybe they could work together.

"I don't think so... not if I judge you're competent enough," he grinned devilishly, crashing his lips onto Michael's.


"Yup, definitely enough."

Lucifer buckled his belt back on, thinking about everything he could do to his poor victims with Michael by his side. Or everything he could get Michael to do to him, or all that he could do to Michael.

Lucifer made a mental note to thank Charlie. It has been the best he had in a while, and now he had found Michael, who was just as psycho as him. What a chance, it was too much to be only hasard.

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