Black Cloud (michifer)

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In which Michael can see auras.


Michael walked into the school and was immediately surrounded by a rainbow of colours. Mostly yellows and greens, there also was some blue and red. He only saw three purple, but there was also a handful of pink.

He was at his locker when something caught his attention at the corner of his eye. Turning around, he was faced with the saddest of sights. A purple and blue mix that was so dark it was almost black, so thick Michael almost couldn't make out the face of the boy inside it.

At that moment, Michael swore yo try and make this guy's life better, even if it be the only good thing he did in his life, he wanted no more than help that poor soul.

As you probably've guessed by now, Michael could see people's auras. It's colour and thickness indicated your emotional state, your psychological state and and how you felt at the moment.

For example, someone with a relatively thick, greenish brown aura is physically ill, whereas someone with a thin, wavy, purple aura was considered by Michael to be mentally ill, usually with depression or social anxiety.

So when he saw that thick, blackish aura, Michael knew there was something horribly wrong with that guy's life.

Thankfully for Michael, the guy- who was called Lucifer- was in his class and just happened to be seated next to him.

"Hi, I'm Michael," he said, trying to strike a conversation.

"Hey Michael, I'm Lucifer, but you already know that since we were name-called like, two minutes ago," Lucifer answered.

Michael laughed. This guy was really good at hiding his problems from others. Michael already anticipated that it was gonna be hard to crack him open, but friendship was worth a shot. If he could somehow make Lucifer's life better, he would feel like he had completed his goal in life. Or at least, found a purpose to his 'power'.

After a week they were good friends, but Michael still didn't feel like pushing Lucifer. It was strange, during the day Michael was able to brighten Lucifer's aura but the next day, he had to start from scratch.

Weeks passed and Michael noticed that Lucifer was getting increasingly worst. Worried, he brought Lucifer to the library, in a corner Michael knew that would allow them to talk away from possible listeners.

Michael was starting to get tired of Lucifer's denial, so he started really cruelly. "You're not alright."

"What?" Lucifer frowned. "Yes I'm alright."

"No you're not alright," Michael repeated. "You're aura's completely black and it's so think I almost can't see your face."

"What are you talking about?" Lucifer asked, dumbfounded.

"I can see auras. This girl's pink, this other guy has a thin one. Yours is black and thick, it's almost like a cocoon. You're definitely not well and you're hiding something, probably thinking it's better that way."

Lucifer sighed. "I'd rather not talk about it."

Michael sighed too, annoyed by his friend's closed attitude. "Look, either you tell me and I can try to make it better or you don't and continue the hell you're living in. I'd rather help you than see you destruct yourself."

Lucifer made an annoyed movement, but Michael could see in his aura, by the way it was getting thinner, that Lucifer was about to tell him. He also noticed a dash of pinkish red but didn't pay much attention to it.

"My father abuses us," Lucifer whispered, keeping his head down in shame. "My mother because he thinks she was the reason my little brother died, me- and me because I'm gay."

Michael's eyes widened. He saw Lucifer's aura switching from black to a deep blue, but even that was an improvement. He took Lucifer in a hug, letting him hug way stronger than it was necessary, because if he had to choke slightly to make Lucifer alright again then he didn't mind at all.

"You could come live with us," Michael whispered. "My parents like you, they surely won't mind."

"But my mother, she'll be alone," Lucifer shot back, sounding more tired than anything.

"Then you can call the cops on him, it'll get him away for good and you could start a new life." Lucifer merely nodded, considering the option. "I know it might be hard for you to do it since you probably fear him, but it's the best thing you can do." Lucifer nodded again. "Look, Luce, I really just want you to be happy, okay? I care for you and I- tell me you're gonna try something, alright?"

Lucifer pulled away from the hug, smiling at Michael. The pinkish red had grown stronger in his aura. "I will."

The week passed with seemingly no change at all, except for the love-like colour in Lucifer's aura taking up increasingly more place and Michael finding himself jealous of the person Lucifer obviously loved. Then the weekend passed without Michael having any news on Lucifer.

On the next Monday however, Michael saw the immense change in Lucifer's aura the second he had spotted him in the crowd. There was little to no black left around Lucifer, only a dark yellow and the pink-red taking the spotlight. Michael smiled at Lucifer, knowing something had happened to make him so suddenly happy.

"I did it Mike! He's gone!" Lucifer exclaimed as soon as he was near enough to talk.

Unable to find the words to express his happiness, Michael hugged Lucifer, happy for his friend. Then, when he pulled away, he did a double take as he suddenly realized that the love colour had filled the entirety of Lucifer's aura, and that it could only mean one thing: Lucifer reciprocated his love.

Hey, I have literally no idea what to say in these author notes anymore. Oh yeah, I keep writing idea with a capital I. Annoys me so much.

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