You Could Try (samcifer)

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In which Sam convinces Lucifer to try to be better with other people.


Sam was reading when he heard a knock at his window. Knowing who he was, he went to open it. It was a common occurence for him, as his brother would likely beat the shit out of Lucifer for only showing up.

Thankfully though, his bedroom was in the basement and it had a half window, so Lucifer could sneak in easily. But today, Sam though it was slightly early, it being only six o'clock.

"Lucifer, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you," Lucifer cheekily grinned.

"No but really, why are you here? It's only six, my brother could come here at any time! I doubt that he'd go easy on you if he saw you here," Sam retorted, making Lucifer's smile fall off his face.

"I wanted to talk about that," Lucifer said, suddenly serious.

"About what?" Sam asked, genuinely confused as to what Lucifer was referring about.

"Me, us, all of it."


"I don't want it to be secret anymore."

Sam frowned. "Me neither, but with your reputation we risk my brother, his boyfriend and all of his boyfriend's brothers and sister ripping you apart because they'll think it's abusive, it has to be with your rep, right?"

Lucifer sighed, acknowledging that statement. He was the massively feared punk, not a jock but still managing to make people either hate his guts or shake if he only looked at them.

"I know, I just don't know what to do about it."

"You could be nicer," Sam suggested, making Lucifer look at him with wide eyes. "I don't mean switch from bad to nice in a day, but like, progressively."

"That's the problem Sam, I don't know how to switch!" Lucifer exclaimed, in a desperate voice. "My persona isn't who I am anymore! I didn't ask to fall in love with you, I didn't ask to be so damn sappy when I'm around you, I didn't ask for you to fucking turn my hole life upside down! I never wanted to stop being so angry all the time with everyone, yet here I am, telling you I don't want to be like that anymore! I don't want to beat people up for no reason, I dont want to be anyone if I can be with you!"

"Then why don't you do it?"

"I'm scared, Sam. I'm scared because if I stop they'll think I go weaker, they'll think all sorts of thing and they'll always be on my back, insulting me because I'm soft, and I don't want to fight them for it anymore!"

Sam let you a small sigh, looking at Lucifer with kind eyes. "You'll still be you Luce, I don't think they will. Otherwise, I think a good punch to the face will suffice. They know how you are, they won't bug you if their's a chance that they could get hurt."

"But how do I do it?!"

"You could stop snapping at people for no reason, stop beating anyone who looks at you strangely. Start hanging with Michael outside of that secluded corner of that library, he's your best friend after all, and he's the nerd so if you show people you don't hate nerds they'll hate you less. Plus, he's a Novak, so he'll probably try to tell his sibling how much you've changed. And then, only then, when people's opinions about you would have soften a little, we could come out together. I don't want my brother to murder you yet."

Lucifer smiled. Why were things so much easier when it was Sam who said it? Maybe just because it wasn't in the dark tangled mess that was his mind and Sam was able to think logically, but oh well.

"And then I'll be able yo rub in everyone's faces that I'm yours. Because you're not mine, you know. I didn't choose to care for you more than this whole fucking world, but I do. I didn't choose to fall in love with you so badly that all I could think about was you, but then here I am, being all sappy about the fact that I'm yours any not the other way around." They both giggled, Sam blushing slightly by Lucifer's confession.

They exchanged a small goodbye kiss. It was about time Lucifer left though, as only five minutes later Sam was called for dinner.

Dean had heard it all. He had initially went down to tell Sam to help with dinner, but when he had heard Lucifer's voice he stopped and listened.

As much as he wanted it to be a valid reason to be able to bash Lucifer's head against the lockers though, he had to admit that the guy was completely different than what he acted like in public. The fact that Lucifer had specifically said that he didn't want to be like that anymore had convinced Dean of it, who then passed onto his second least wanted option: abuse.

Abusive relationships often began with the abuser being nice to the victim. But then again, it was destroyed by the way Lucifer said Sam's name, how he said that he was Sam's and not that Sam was his and the general sincerity of his voice only reminded Dean of one thing: his relationship with Cas.

As deceptive and infuriating as it was, in the end, Dean was forced to acknowledge that Lucifer really loved Sam and that his little brother had been suspiciously happy for a while. For that, he couldn't help but thank silently Lucifer to have made his brother well, his brother again.

It's been an awful long time since I did any Samcifer, hasn't it? I'm sorry, really, I was and will be more in a Michifer mindset, but I can't really say I'm sorry because I love Michifer but I also love Samcifer, it's just been so long since I've watched them interact(or watched any supernatural at all) that I've forgotten slightly about their chemistry.

On a brighter note, I've bought Good Omens! Now I can watch the ineffable husbands being completely obvious and mix up everyone even more because now there's two Crowleys!

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