The Fallen (destiel sabriel michifer)

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In which Sam, Dean, Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer are in a band and wrote a new song about Destiel, the only thing that didn't happen yet in their lives.


The five musicians walked back on the stage after a couple of minutes of the crowd cheering for a comeback.

"You guys still in?" Morningstar shouted in the microphone, earning more cheering from the audience.

"How many of you here watch the show Supernatural?" The signer continued. There was less cheering, but still a lot.

"Great," Morningstar said. "The next song is a new one, it's dedicated to Destiel. Ladies and gents, The Fallen!" He shouted, before grabbing the microphone and starting to sing.

I wrote this myself, tell me if you liked it! The lyrics are in italic. I hope it's not just a bunch of crap.

The song was quite the opposite of calm, like a reminder of the greatness the rock held in the '80, but that was the style of Hell's Grace.

He was just a watcher
Watching over this world
But then he saw these eyes,
These wonderful eyes,
These surreal green eyes

The crowd cheered when Morningstar paused signing. The song, even though it wasn't on record yet, was really getting the fans.

He fell into disgrace
His wings were taken from him
But as he woke up
He saw these eyes,
These green eyes,
Watching over him.

As the fallen loved them trough the void of his heart
These eyes turned dark,
As black as a night sky without moon
And without stars.

He desperately searched for a way
A way to bring back these eyes
The ones he fell for.

As the one fell,
Deeper than him,
The fallen raised him from the hell he was in
And these eyes, these scary black eyes,
They retrieved their green.

He stared into these eyes,
These magnificent eyes,
These beautiful green eyes,
And they did the same.

Morningstar closed his eyes, putting all of his heart into his signing.

They got lost into his eyes,
His deep, meaningful eyes,
His ocean blue eyes,
And he knew.

He kissed the one he had been falling for
And as their lips touched,
Melted into each others,
He opened his wings, his ebony wings
He wrapped them around his love.

Because it wasn't only about these eyes
These beautiful eyes,
It wasn't, in the end, what he fell for,
It was the man to which it belonged.

And the one who had raised for his eyes,
His beautiful eyes,
His ocean blue eyes,
Who only deserved to be loved.

The music slowly faded away.

At least he didn't fall for nothing.

The crowd exploded when the lights went out. Morningstar, Lucifer by his real name, joined Dean and Sam, the guitarists, Michael, the bassist, and Gabriel, the drummer.

They gathered backstage, immense grins on their faces as the crowd was still cheering.

"I guess they liked it," Gabriel shrugged.

"Liked it? That was complete and utter amazingness! It's been ten minutes and they're still cheering!" Michael said. "I think you should go back, tell 'em it's over. As much as I hate it, we gotta go."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Lucifer sighed.

A smile crept back on his face as he remembered something while walking back on the stage. He grabbed the mike, happy with himself. He just hoped he could see Gabriel's reaction.

"Hey again guys, I'm sorry to break it to you but the show is over." He was interrupted by a booing crowd, but kept on going. "So that song was actually a test. We haven't recorded it yet, but be sure it's gonna end up in our next album, which should be out soon, by the way.

"Today is a special day! In fact, it's our beloved Trickster's birthday. If you want to, of course, let's sing him a happy birthday!"

Gabriel's face dropped when he heard the crowd signing to him. Damn
Lucifer and his genius ideas.

When Lucifer came back, he had a pensive look on his face.

"Hey, I thought about it, don't you think it's weird we're all named after characters from that show? Plus, Micha and I and Sam and Gabriel are together, and we're called Hell's Grace."

"That's because the show is based on us, dumbass," Sam retorted.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about it too. Why hasn't Dean found his Cassie yet?" Gabriel said, a smug grin on his face.

"Well, actually..."

"What, really? You're with Castiel? I was just joking!"

"Yeah, well it's been a few years, five actually."

"You've been hiding a relationship with Cas for five years? How did we not find out?" Michael was amazed.

"Why do you think they named the angel Castiel? I told 'em, of course, along with all the hiding crap and how long we've been denying it. That's why they don't actually put it, why it's a subtext. Now that you've found out, I guess I'll have to make a call, tell 'em they can finally put it in. By the time our new record will be out, it'll be canon in no time, I'll make sure of it."

"We'll be sending a demo, right? It's funny how the fans don't realize we've been foreshadowing the series from the beginning. They literally base their stuff out of our songs!" Lucifer laughed, joined by the others soon after.

"You're right, almost each season is based off one of our records, and like half of the episodes are named after our songs! It's a luck we already had a couple records out when they started the show, or else we wouldn't be able to provide enough!" Sam said.

"It's funny how even the actors are clueless," Gabriel added. "like we literally have a studio on set so we can be close to the directors and they chose the actors who looked the most like us, and yet no one ever questioned it! Ooh, I suddenly want to leak it to the press, as if someone, let's say Cas, was evesdropping and he heard us talk about it, so he goes to tell it to the press anonymously, then it makes the front page, something like Exclusive: The Most Popular Series of the Year is Based off Hell's Grace Songs!"

"Oh yeah, we're totally going to do this," Lucifer said, a shit-eating grin on his face, already making a plan. "It's gonna make the front page everywhere and we'll be even more famous, we'll be the band that inspired Supernatural!"

"Done," Dean said. "I'll talk of it to Cas, he'll be able to find a engineer or something like that that could leak it to the press. Give him two weeks and it'll be done."

I know I'm repeating myself but I really hoped you liked this, please leave a comment to tell me if you liked the song.

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