True Mates pt.2

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"Lucifer, tell me, how come you be an archangel when you are not royalty?"

Lucifer sighed.

"At the beginning, there was two families of archangels. One quickly arose, and became your bloodline, the Great, ruling over the kingdom. The other, my line, fell under your shadow, we were the Fallen, forgotten by most. Now, I'm the last of the Fallen."

"Oh," was the only thing Michael could think of, seeing the bitter look on Lucifer's face. "I am sorry."

"Don't be, it's my fault the others died."


Lucifer explained how they rejected him when he came revealed as an Omega, how his own family abandoned him in the woods. He told Michael how, when he turned 18, he stole a double-sword and went to slaughter his family.

The next day, when Michael came, he was dressed way too formally to Lucifer's taste.

Lucifer, who always flew shirtless, put it back on when he saw Michael's stern but sad look, smelling the sadness he was obviously trying to hide.

"Whats going on Mickey?"

"Stop calling me that, Lucifer."

"Fine, Alpha. Why are you here like that?"

"I believe I am going in war. I do not know when I will be back and I wanted to let you know it."

Lucifer's face fell. He couldn't imagine stopping his talks with Michael, he didn't want him to leave.

"I still have something for you, as a parting gift." Michael removed his tiara, presenting it to Lucifer. "I want you to have this, so that you remember that I now have a reason to come back." Lucifer hoped Michael meant this in a different context and Michael hoped Lucifer could take the hint. "I want you to wear it and to never take it off, Lucifer. After all, you are the King of the forest."

Lucifer didn't know what to say. Michael was basically giving him his crown.

"I will, Michael, and when you come back I'll be wearing it to remember you what you came back for."

They hugged then parted away, their hearts heavy. But Michael gave Lucifer one of his most prized possession, and Lucifer wanted to give it back.

When he was sure Michael left and he couldn't smell the ocean salt and old paper, he whistled four notes and a mocking falcon came to him. Lucifer gave him his instructions and the animal flew away as Lucifer regained what he called his home, the heart of the forest, the tiara on his head soaking him in Michael's comforting scent.

When Michael saw a mocking falcon at his window, he gaped for a moment, his wings falling from surprise. This species was believed to be instinct. He opened the window and the bird flew in, perching in his shoulder. Then he started to sing a song, and it sounded strangely like Lucifer's voice. The song was old, it was called Stairway to Heaven.

Michael thought it could be Lucifer's gift to him, to keep him company during the war. As the bird sang, Michael wondered what Lucifer's scent could be.

Three years the war went on. Three years Lucifer waited for his friend to come back, the tiara never leaving his head now soaked with his scent, as he stopped hiding it when guards stopped patrolling the forest. Three years of singing to the falcons in the forest. Three years Michael wished the war never was.

Three years Michael listened to the falcon's song, wondering. Wondering if Lucifer wore the tiara. Wondering if he waited for him to get back. Wondering if things would ever be the same. But most importantly, wondering what would be Lucifer's scent.

When Michael came back to his castle, the only thing he could think of was to change himself and to go to the cliff. He did so and was immediately submerged by the powerful smell of fire and leather, unusually rough for an Omega.

The only other person on the cliff was Lucifer, standing on the edge smiling at him, his wings opened, spreading from his back. It was Lucifer's scent, and Michael fell a little more.

He jumped in Lucifer's arms, twirling his only real friend. Pulling away, he noticed the tiara on Lucifer's head.

"You kept it?"

"How couldn't I? Did you treat my friend well?"

"Like the most precious thing in the world. I thought they were extinct."

Lucifer smiled again, making Michael smile, and whistled four notes. A chorus responded, and Michael's eyes were blown wide. He never suspected that a full community lived in his forest.

Michael turned to Lucifer, who now was clearly afraid.

"What is it, Lucifer?"

"I knew I shouldn't've stop hiding it," Lucifer replied.

"Hiding what?"

"They're after me" was Lucifer's only answer before he leaped to the forest, coming back soon after with a beautiful double-blade. Michael drew his sword, looking over at where Lucifer was staring in fear, and for a moment wanted no more but to step in front of Lucifer and protect him.

Michael growled when he recognized the five silhouettes walking towards them: demons.

"They're part of the reason I hid my scent," Lucifer said, trying to stop his shaking and to fight back his instinct that told him to hide behind the growling Alpha besides him. Damn these primal reflexes, he wasn't an afraid kid! Still, part of him wanted Michael to defend him.

The demons were on them now, and the two archangels, even outnumbered, killed every one of them.

"Who were they?" Michael asked, panting from the fight.

"Bounty hunters. There shouldn't be any more after me."

Lucifer felt himself heat up and started panicking. His heat happened two weeks ago, it wasn't supposed to start again so soon! But he somehow felt that this time, it was him that decided it, and with Michael by his side he wanted nothing more than it.

"Meet me here at noon tomorrow. Don't be late," Lucifer said, fighting off the need to throw himself at the Alpha.


"I'm taking you for a Dance."

On that, Lucifer gave Michael his tiara cack and flew back to the forest, leaving a confused Michael behind.

The pieces finally clicked in Michael's mind. Lucifer's scent was altered, he was in his heat, and Michael's rut was starting, maybe that's what started it. Lucifer said he was taking Michael for a Dance, and as they were both in there mating period, the Dance Lucifer spoke of must've been the Mating Dance of angels. Now Michael would obviously return to the cliff the next day.

Once alone, Lucifer's mind cleared and he thought of what he did. He was somehow ok with the fact that he just invited his friend for a nuptial dance, he just really wanted Michael to show up the next day.

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