Not A Kidnapping (michifer)

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In which Michael is a Neko and Luci is the King of the kingdom of hell.


Three months earlier

"Search the castle!" Chuck ordered.

He wasn't in a good mood right now and for a good reason. His son had went missing. Michael, one of the only Neko of the kingdom, had went missing and he was furious, convinced it was because of Hell's young king Lucifer. Even at only 25, Lucifer ruled with an iron grip. Chuck didn't want his favorite son to fall into that man's evil grasp.

Turns out Michael wasn't in the castle. He also wasn't in the town or the countryside around the castle. Chuck came to the most realistic conclusion: Michael had been kidnapped.

Meanwhile, as Chuck became desperate to find his son again, Michael and Lucifer were on their way to the kingdom of Hell, where they could hopefully be without Heaven's prejudices against Lucifer.


Michael and Lucifer were walking in the garden when a maid came to them, telling them that there was 'someone' at the door, asking to see Lucifer.

Naturally, Michael went with him, seeing as they didn't mention their name. If they did, he would've stayed there and not come up.

When he arrived in front of the main doors, Michael was quite nervous. Lucifer didn't have many visitors, but the ones that came were either there to threaten him or insult him.

So when the doors opened to reveal Balthazar and a whole battalion of angels, he naturally froze.

Balthazar looked at him, then at Lucifer, then at their linked hands, then at him again and finally trapped Michael in a hug.

"What are you doing here brother?" Balthazar asked when he pulled away. "What are you doing with him? Did he really kidnap you? That's what everyone says."

"Woah, why would I kidnap him!" Lucifer exclaimed, earning a glare from Balthazar. "No, he came with me because he wanted to come with me."

Balthazar sneered at him, taking a longer looked at Michael.

The Neko suddenly felt very self-conscious. The people of Hell dressed more like Humans than Angels, meaning that his current style certainly didn't please his brother.

He was wearing dark skinny jeans, a white button-up shirt and and one of Lucifer's leather jackets that was too big for him. Nothing too formal, he wasn't expecting visit. Black and white ears peered on top of his messy black hair, his tail whipping in discomfort behind him.

That day he had chosen to wear his dark blue leather collar, the one with a small bell. It made him feel like he was a cat. He liked being a cat. Sadly, for a weird reason he couldn't stay a cat for a long time. It saddened him.

Balthazar looked at the both of them, an unreadable look on his face. "Well anyway the King wants Michael back. That's why I'm here."

"That's why there's a whole battalion waiting for your orders outside?" Lucifer shot back.

"He wants me back, for what?" Michael started, in a much calmer tone than Lucifer's. "To overprotect me and lock me in my room for the rest of my life just because I'm a Neko? No thanks. Go back to Chuck and tell him I'm happy here."

"Why him?"

"Look, I know I won't ever be able to convince you but Lucifer isn't like people say he is."

"Yeah, no shit." Balthazar sighed. "But alright, I'll go back and tell him his precious son has fallen in love with the king of Hell."

"Your guilt-trip isn't gonna work. I hope this isn't the last time we see each other Balth, but I won't go back." Michael hugged his brother one last time then stepped back, watching him leave.

As he walked away, Balthazar couldn't help but look back. He saw Michael say something to Lucifer, then pull him in a short kiss before they went back inside.

When Balthazar left, Michael looked at Lucifer, who seemed a mixture of angry and sad. "You know, I can't imagine you're father's reaction when he'll hear that his favourite son has fallen in love with his worst enemy."

"I don't care," Michael replied, "I love you too much to care," he added, kissing Lucifer gently before leading him back inside.

When they were back into their room Lucifer replied. "I love you too kitty."

Michael smiled at that. He had always loved that nickname. Maybe because he identified more often as a cat than as a human, but whatever.

For the rest of the day they did nothing but snuggle, Lucifer contemplating a possibly violent reaction from Chuck and Michael just purring happily because Lucifer was there with him and that was all he wanted.

Two shots in a day, I'm awesome!

I just find funny the thought of someone being genderfluid between a cat and a human instead of male/female. In a totally non offensive way if course, I have nothing against genderfluidity.

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