Hurricane (sabriel)

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This is gonna be in my Fire And Nature AU I'm currently writing, but for now enjoy some poetic feels. I made it Sabriel but honestly it could be any
boy x boy ship.

I had Hurricane stuck in my head so that's where it came from.


In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet,
And there is a boy,
With a hole in his heart

In the eye of a hurricane there's another boy,
He is kneeling and he's grieving death,
The death of his soulmate

In the storm of the hurricane the boy is running,
Running away from the pool of blood,
And from the charred wings

In the storm of the hurricane water stays off the boy,
And the wind helps him go forward,
Where he wants to go

In the storm of the hurricane the woods part for the boy,
He runs and the forest parts,
It parts only for him

In the woods and the hurricane the boy is falling,
He is falling on his knees,
Unable to step further

In the woods and the hurricane the boy mourns and cries,
And for each one of his cries,
There is a strike and its thunder

In the woods and the hurricane the boy stays quiet,
He lets the storm take him,
Until he is the storm.

In the heart of the hurricane there is a spirit,
There is the spirit of a boy,
Of a boy and broken heart

In the heart of the hurricane the boy is crying,
And his cries are howls of wind,
And his tears are drops of rain

In the eye of the hurricane there is sunlight,
Shining on the dead,
Shining on golden hair

And in the heart of the hurricane there is a lost boy,
There is a boy who tries to find his place,
I couldn't seem to die

Hey, the most dramatic thing I've ever written!

Don't worry for me, this isn't a metaphor of my life or whatever. I was just listening to the second act of Hamilton and Hurricane got stuck in my head. It's really depressing.

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