My Angel (michifer)

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In which Lucifer is an elf(just so he can live forever) and Michael is an angel sorcerer.


Lucifer was sitting at his desk writing when a hand suddenly clamped itself on his mouth, forcing him into silence. He tried to yell, to pull away, but it was too strong.

"Shh, I'm not here to hurt you, Lucifer," a man whispered in his ear. "I'm going to take my hand off and you're going to stop yelling, alright?"

Lucifer nodded and the hand fell away, allowing him to turn around and look at the intruder. "How did you get in?"

The man laughed. "The window is just an opening in the wall."

Lucifer took the time to look at the man. He had a long marine blue cloak, it's hood covering most of his face, only his chin was visible. Under the cape, he wore a tight black outfit with many pockets. Two daggers were hanging on his hips, along with a small cloth purse. He also wore white fingerless gloves.

"What do you want?"

"I want you alive. There's something coming for you and I'm here to stop it."

"How could I believe a man who hides his face from me?"

The man let out an exasperated sigh and took down his hood. He had bright blue eyes, a tanned skin and in his ebony hair were strands of gold. Not gold-ish  blond of amber though, a real, pure golden colour.

"You're an-"

"Yes, now please shut up."

He suddenly turned around, looking intently at the wall, his eyes following something that wasn't there. Suddenly, he lurched forward, stabbing his dagger into thin air. He halted to a stop and around his dagger appeared a demon-like creature, probably a hybrid.

Taking his dagger out and wiping it on his sleeve, he looked pointedly at Lucifer, seemingly saying 'told you'. Noticing the confusion on Lucifer's face, he sighed "Okay, spit it out," while waving a hand above the corpse, which disintegrated.

"How do you know my name? And are you really an angel? How the heck did you do that? No one can see the invisible."

"I know much more about you than only your name, prince Lucifer of the Black Forest. And yes, technically, I am an angel. It's nice to see you've listened in class. I can see the invisible, I'm a sorcerer."

The man was already moving towards the window, or should I say the opening in the wall.

"Wait!" Lucifer exclaimed, just before the man jumped out. "What's your name?"

"Michael," he answered, crouching on the parapet.

"Am I gonna see you again?"

The man's- Michael's lips twitched into a mysterious smile.

"Do you want yo see me again?"

"Yes," Lucifer answered, and it was the truth.

"Then I guess you will see me again." With that, Michael was gone.

Lucifer turned back to his desk, not wanting to write anymore. He sat there, trying to put everything together. It took him a couple of minutes before realizing there was on his desk an object that wasn't there before.

It was a small silver chain with a wing's pendent, the wing twirling in all shades of blue. He smiled, putting it on. There was just something about this Michael guy...

The next week Michael came back, and the week after, and every week since then. They had become quite close, really. Of course, because it's a fanfic, Lucifer's trying like an idiot not to act on his crush on Michael, not knowing Michael loves him back.

One day though, Michael comes in looking particularly grim.

"Michael, what's wrong?" Lucifer asked, concerned.

"I have to go."

"What? Where, why?"

"I had another vision, I have to protect King John."

"Humans? But that's at the other end of the world!"

Michael sighed. "I know." He looked up at Lucifer. "I don't wanna go."

"Then don't!" It was more desperate than Lucifer wished, but is was already said, and he really didn't want Michael to leave.

Michael raised his hand, a ring appearing in it. "I have to go. But take this as a promise: I'll come back as soon as I can."

A tear fell down Lucifer's eye as he took the ring, deliberately putting it on his ring finger. "Yes. You have to come back."

"I will. I know it. I just don't know how long it'll take."

"Please, don't go," Lucifer tried to plead, but Michael was already turning away. "Wait, Mike!" he managed to utter, just when Michael was about to leave.

Without thinking, Lucifer launched himself at Michael, pressing a desperate kiss on the angel'a lips. Michael smiled into it and kissed back, but eventually pulling away. "I'll come back, just wait for it," he said with a last peck on Lucifer's lips, disappearing out of the window moments after.

"I'm willing to," Lucifer whispered. (Out of nowhere chorus: wait for it wait for it wait for it) "I just don't know if I can."

It took Michael four months to come back. For months that seemed like an eternity to him when it used to pass so quickly. After all, time was insignificant to him. Until one night, he heard three familiar knocks on stone. It was midnight, but he couldn't sleep.

He took no time to run to the window, throwing himself at Michael, who hugged back with a light-hearted laugh.

Even if Michael was smaller than him Lucifer buried his head in Michael's shoulder, the angel sighing softly at his childish actions and playing with his hair.

"I missed you," Lucifer muttered.

"I missed you too," Michael replied. "But right not, I'm absolutely dirty. Is there anywhere I could take a bath?"

Lucifer nodded and showed Michael the room. About fifteen minutes later Michael came back clean and with a new set of clothes.

"Mickey..." Lucifer hesitantly started.


"I never got to see your wings."

Michael smiled, letting his wings unfurl from his back. He sat on the bed, inviting Lucifer to do the same. He pulled Lucifer close, his wings forming a cocoon around the both of them.

"I'm never leaving again."

Okay so for the Destiel mini-series I kinda gave up 'cause I only had the start and the end in mind so I'm just gonna post what I had, okay? You don't hate me? Great.

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