Deal With An Angel (michifer)

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It's exactly what the title says it is.


Lucifer had done some pretty messed things in his life. Messed up, as in 'nobody would ever think of willingly doing that' kind of messed up.

For starters, he managed to get laid with a vampire without becoming one. He made a deal with a demon, his wish was to be invulnerable. Then, how could the hellhound take you? He had ended up in hell though, his deal having been broken by the king of Hell himself. He managed to get out though.  By flirting with a demon and making him fall in love, freeing Lucifer then getting killed. And it was just the start.

There was one thing on his to do list he hadn't done yet. Well, many, such as riding a unicorn or having a one night stand with a pagan god, but that wasn't important. There were mainly two thing he wanted to do the most:

- an angel

- make a deal with an angel

He had seen an angel only once, when he got into shit with the Winchesters. Castiel was there. Lucifer still didn't understand why he could see the angel's wings. Though what he did see was the obvious sexual tension between him and Dean.

He had found an angel summoning ritual similar to a demon's one, meaning the angel would show up to make a deal and nothing else. He wasn't sure which angel he'd summon though.

After doing the ritual, it wasn't long before Lucifer heard a flap of wings behind him. Turning around, he looked at the angel that appeared behind him.

It was a guy, or at least his vessel was. He had black hair with dark blue eyes, a sharp jawline and tanned skin. Probably quite ripped. Behind him were neatly folded two huge, pure white wings. Overall: extremely hot. Lucifer wondered if he could scratch off two thing off his list with that one.

"Hey Lucifer," the angel said and Lucifer thought that even his voice was sexy.

"Hi angel. You know my name, can I get yours?"

The angel sighed, otherwise no emotion was shown, except for a weird glint in the back of his eyes. "Michael."

"Huh." Lucifer was wondering why would an archangel strike a deal with him. "So, Mickey-" Michael growled at the nickname, and boy did that turn Lucifer on. But Michael also looked sad, which was strange. "Okay, right, so Michael, what are you here for?"

The archangel rolled his eyes. "What am I here for? Oh, maybe because you summoned me, idiot!" he sassed, crossing his arms. (Ok, I know Mickey isn't supposed to know sass, just like any other angel, but come on, it's funnier) "Ok, so what do you want?"

Lucifer honestly didn't think of that. He just knew that he wanted to make a deal, that's all. "I don't know," he answered.

Michael rolled his eyes again. "So you summoned me for nothing. Great! Now I just gotta wait here as long as you haven't chosen what you wanted." It seemed to Lucifer that Michael wasn't that angry, only pretending. The glint was also back in his eyes.

Lucifer frowned. Did it really work like that? "I want wings," he blurted out. He didn't even know why he asked it, but now that he mentioned it he felt a strange longing for wings.


"You heard me, I want wings."

Michael looked uncertainty at him. "You sure?"

"Yes. What's the catch?"


"This is a deal, if I ask something there's some consequence, no? The two parties get something?"

"No." It was as though Michael's answer wasn't only out of good heart, but something else, that made something move in the back of Lucifer's mind.

"What, you're just gonna give me what I want freely?"

Michael raised an eyebrow at him. "I could always lock you up in Heaven's prison, so be grateful instead."

Lucifer gulped and nodded. Heaven had a prison? "So how's it sealed?" He hoped it was like demons and that he could get a kiss.

"Usually a handshake, but as this isn't really a deal and your request is highly unusual, so no, there'll he nothing of sorts."

Michael walked towards Lucifer, giving him one of those thingy you could bite on to not scream out. "This is gonna hurt." Lucifer nodded and put it in his mouth. "Take off your shirt."

"What?" Lucifer didn't know what to think of that.

"They're wings, they'll rip through it. Take it off." By then Michael was already behind Lucifer.

"Why is this gonna hurt?"

"Because they have to grow, I can't just make them appear." Lucifer nodded and gestured for Michael to do it.

Michael placed a hand in Lucifer's back and the pain started. He winced when Lucifer's knees gave up, but kept on going.

Bones erupted from Lucifer's back, muscles and skin layering in it. Progressively, feathers appeared, and the wings were completed.

Michael took a step back and, with a last sad look to Lucifer who was now laying unconscious on the floor, disappeared.

Lucifer woke up, wondering when he passed out. Looking behind him, he smiled at the sight of the two beautiful wings. It was really worth it. Then he passed out again, but for another reason. Memory.

Ok so I accidentally published it when I wasn't finished, now it's finished, sorry for that. 😐

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