Somehow Normal (michifer)

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I'm back bitches! I started watching Supernatural again so now I have ideas again. Yay!

Just a piece of info, I'm tired of 'punk luci nerd mickey' dynamic often seen and I'm into emo music now so you'll have a repressed emo mickey for probably many one shots to come. I'm not sorry at all.


"Lucifer, stop sulking and come help us unload!" Dean yelled at his brother, who was sitting in his new room, not doing anything.

"I'm the devil, isn't me who's supposed to make the rules?"

"Lucifer, I don't even know why you're still here at 24," Mary added. "Come and help us at least."

"Fine," Lucifer growled, standing up to go help his family move the boxes in their new home.

The Winchesters had been devastated by John's death, a few months prior, and they had decided to move back to Lawrence, Kansas to go on with their lives without having the memories haunt them.

When all the boxes were unloaded from the truck and placed in the room in which they would be unpacked, Mary decided that a break was necessary and had them visit the neighbours. Most of them were just the stereotypical white couple, all mostly living alone. The last house at which they knocked though, it was quite different.

A tired-looking man with a scruffy beard and curly hair opened them the door.

"You're the new neighbours, right?" The three boys nodded. "My name is Chuck Shirley, just give me a minute, I'll call the rest." Then, he turned around and yelled "Everyone come around, the new neighbours are here!"

Four teens came rushing in. The smallest had golden, slicked back hair and eyes just as bright. He wore a shirt with a lollipop on it and a kaki jacket over that. Lucifer already liked him.

The second smallest was just a little bit smaller than Dean. He had ebony black hair and surreal blue eyes. Over a white dress-up shirt, he wore a trenchcoat, a fashion choice all three of the Winchesters were perplex about.

Then there was a girl with fiery hair. She wore simple jeans over a white shirt, but somehow had a sort of aura of strength around her. Lucifer also immediately liked her.

The last guy was the same height at the girl. His hair was of a pale brown and his eyes were grey, a sparkle of mischief in them, though it was different than the one the smallest's eyes held. He wore a grey v-neck t-shirt and jeans.

Seeing them all start to blabber at the same time, all except Castiel, Chuck sighed and did his best to calm them down. "Michael's not here," he also was added, in a tone that indicated it wasn't the first time.

"Let me take care of it," the golden haired boy said. Since they had migrated to the living room, he sat down at the piano and played one single note. A few seconds later, 'Michael' came rushing in, anger painting his face.

"Who the fuck gave you the right?" he growled, then noticed the guests. "You could've just yelled instead of emotionally scarring me!"

Michael's hair was black, the top of it dyed a deep red. He was dressed all in black with a flannel hanging on his waist. Though it wasn't the way Winchesters wore their flannel, Lucifer put Michael in the 'Winchester approved' list.

"Well, you're here now," Chuck intervened. "So," he addressed the three confused boys, "you must be the Winchesters?"

"Yeah," Dean answered. "My name's Dean, this is Sam and Lucifer."

"I'm not gonna question the name," Chuck answered. Then, pointing at his children in order of height, "these terrors are Gabriel, Castiel, Anna, Balthazar and Michael."

"Are you really called Lucifer?" Gabriel asked.

"Yeah, it is I, the king of hell!" Lucifer answered, making the Winchesters collectively groan.

"Yeah, well can I go finish my video now?" Michael asked. "I have to go to work in an hour so if you'd be kind and not interrupt me, I'd appreciate it." On that, he walked away, slowly followed by all the Shirley siblings.

"Before you go, I think you're gonna be great friends," Chuck said, "but I gonna warn you on some things. One: never mention Titanic, Celine Dion or alcohol to Balthazar, or pranking to Gabriel. Two: don't ever give Gabriel candy. Three: never play the G note alone on the piano if you don't want Michael to murder you. Apart from that, I think you can learn the rest by yourselves." Chuck let the Winchesters go with that.

"Well, that was something," Lucifer said when they were back at their home.

"Yeah, what's with the G note? Like, why did a single note trigger him so much?" Dean added.

"It's the opening note of Welcome To The Black Parade," Sam answered, making his brothers turn towards him. "What?" he defended himself, "You really think I wouldn't know something like that? I'm on Tumblr for christ's sake, of course I know that!"

"You got a point," Lucifer conceded, "but I'm on Tumblr too and I've never heard of that thing."

"So mom is gonna hold a welcome dinner somewhere in the week, right?" Dean said, wanting to change the subject.

"Yeah, a welcome dinner to herself. I bet only the Shirley will come," Lucifer answered.


I'm probs gonna do a part two, I enjoy emo mickey way too much. Maybe because I can plug in references that only I understand

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