Move, I'm Gay! (michifer)

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In which Michifer hooks up in a certainly... unexpected way.

If you search 'Move, I'm gay the office' you should find my inspiration.


It was at a red carpet event for the Oscars. Michael Cohen had been nominated for three, so was Lucifer Pellegrino. After the gala, Michael went away with two Oscars, Lucifer with one. But it isn't a event without an after-party. (I literally have no idea what it's called)

So when Michael was cut off by a line of other actors, he thought of something both reliving and helpful. And, with an afterthought, incredibly hilarious.

Putting on his best bitchface, he yelled "Move, I'm gay!" at the top of his lungs, stunning everyone in earshot, and for a very good reason: it was his coming out.

And, by a game of circumstances, Lucifer, the gayest gay to ever gay, happened to be right next to him. Also stunned by that unexpected coming out, he shot back "That was awesome, I wish I'd came out like that!" patting Michael on the chest.

That night, Lucifer had been wearing his glittery pink tux. He said it made him think about his wings, for some weird reason. Michael, him, was as usual wearing a deep blue jacket, but there was a discreet rainbow tissue in his pocket. Both of them thought the other was incredibly hot.

Michael made his way trough the frozen crowd, not caring for the world about the stares he got. Feeling something in his shirt, he reached his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. A piece of paper with Lucifer's name, number, a date and an address, along with the words 'call me soon, hot stuff, now that I know you're in my reach' and a small heart.

Michael smiled at this. He had always had something for Lucifer, and now the guy was literally taking him out on a date.

Lucifer, him, had been relieved just as he had been surprise. Since he first saw Michael he had had a gigantic crush on him, but kept it to himself since Michael didn't seem to be gay. But now, now he had a chance.

~two years later~

Surprisingly, Michael and Lucifer weren't out as a couple yet. It wasn't that they lacked the attention to each other, they just didn't kiss or hold hands in public. Still, as you can imagine, their couply behaviour raised a lot of eyebrows, but without others ever thinking they could be together. Except the fans, of course, who went crazy at every sign that they could be together.

They were again at the Oscars, this time for a film they both starred in and ironically played a gay couple.

Lucifer had told Michael that was when he wanted to come out to the world, without any more details. He reserved a great surprise for the end.

After winning the Best Actor Oscar, he did his thank you speech as usual, but the end as a little different.

"Could Michael Cohen come on stage please?"

So Michael went on stage, frowning slightly.

"Michael," Lucifer started, "since I met you I knew I had a crush on you. After that awesome 'Move, I'm gay' I finally had a chance. Now, it doesn't look like it, but I'm really bad at speech so: Michael, will you marry me?"

Lucifer got down on one knee, presenting a ring to Michael. It was silver, and shone rainbow when tilted.

Michael, tears in his eyes, nodded, said yes, remembered no one but Lucifer heard him and said yes a second time, this time in the microphone. He put on the ring, helped Lucifer up and pulled him in a kiss, forgetting the millions of people in the audience, wether in the room of behind their tv.

When they walked off the stage, hand in hand, they were the one that earned the loudest cheers of the night.

Thanks to my sister MerlinLenchanteur832 with whom I got this idea!

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