Hell's Kings (samcifer)

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Sam grinned, knocking at the bunker's door. It has been more than an Earthly year since he had seen Dean, and he thought he'd be polite enough to pay his brother a visit.

Dean frowned for a moment when he saw Sam at the door, but let him in.

Sam sat down at the kitchen's table as Dean got them both a beer, then sat with him.

"Why are you visiting now? I thought you said you retired," Dean said, visibly skeptical about his brother's visit.

"Thought I'd be a good brother," Sam replied. "How long's it been," at that point Sam kept himself from saying hundreds of years, a hundred and thirty-two to be specific. "A year?"

At that moment, Castiel appeared next to them, greeting Dean before glancing at Sam, his glare immediately hardening.

"Sam," he said. "You're different. What happened to you?"

"Story time," Sam replied in an overly fast tone, before switching to a slower, more mysterious voice. "The lad was turned into an angel, but became a demon."

"Thomas Sanders, Sam? Really?"

"I don't understand that reference."

"You knew he's one of ours?" Sam then clapped his mouth shut, realizing his mistake.

"Ours?" Dean questioned, as Cas stares at a point just above Sam's head.

That was when Dean noticed it. A pale, wavy crown, hovering slightly above Sam's head like a ghost.

"What's that? What do you mean ours and why did you say you became an angel and then a demon?"

"Well, let me go back a little. Four months after I left, I nearly got killed on a hunt. The only thing that saved me... it was Gabriel. To save me, he turned me into an angel, but lost his life in the process. An angel for an angel. But my soul powered my grace, rendering me more powerful than planned."

Sam sighed. Gabriel's death had been hard on both him and Lucifer. "Then, two months later, an angel stabbed me in the back, quite literally and I went to Hell, maybe because I still had a soul.

"Anyways, when I was there, Lucifer turned me into a demon, a white eyed to be precise, the most powerful. But he didn't know I was an angel, so my angelic and demonic abilities merged with my soul, and even Chuck said I was more powerful than four archangels combined. For the crown, well I may or may not be ruling Hell. Sort of."

"You're ruling Hell?!" Dean exclaimed, not sure if he should be grateful of scared.

"Well, I mostly stand around looking menacing, but I helped with some major decisions, yeah."

Sam froze, then shot up. "Is was nice seeing you again, but Asmodeus thought it would be a great idea to start a rebellion and Lucifer's out, so I gotta go." On that, he was gone in a flutter of wings, leaving Cas and Dean extremely confused.

Sam appeared in the throne room, where it was chaos. Demons were running around, destroying everything they could, but stopped when they saw Sam.

At that moment, he was truly terrifying.  His six wings were open wide behind him, a butterscotch colour that looked like it could flame up at any time. The ghostly crown on his head was also getting thicker.

"Who is your leader? Who has started this?" Sam called, though he already knew the answer, and his voice boomed trough the hall.

All demons indicated one of them, Asmodeus. The Prince of Hell was dressed all in white.

Sam walked up to him, wings tucked behind him as he shot his arm in the demon's chest, hand and forearm piercing trough it, covered in blood. Thankfully he had his sleeves rolled up. Sam pulled his arm out, the Prince falling limp on the ground.

For good mesure, Sam exploded a few resistant demons, the rest of them scattering in fear.

"Well that was hot," Sam heard as he cleaned his arm. He chuckled, knowing who the voice belonged to.

"Ten years and you come back saying that me slaying demons was hot?"

Lucifer crashed their lips together while transporting them to their room, Sam kissing back and tossing his now fully materialized crown away. He found the situation quite fun. They hadn't seen each other in ten years, and now they were ripping each other's clothes off not five minutes after Sam had stopped a rebellion.

After that, Sam was the first one to wake up because they were so exhausted they had fell asleep. He cleaned and changed himself, before leaving a note saying he had to go finish his visit at Dean's.

"Hey Dean," Sam said, randomly appearing in Dean's kitchen. To Dean, Sam had left not ten minutes ago, though it was more of six hours in Hell.

They talked for a bit even if Dean didn't take well Sam's newly, more cocky attitude, though Dean was way worst when he was a demon.

He still tried to be okay with it. After all, a cocky Sam was better than a dead Sam, right?

Hey guys, I know you can see I'm obsessed with the human to angel trope and Samcifer, sooo...

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