Don't imagine them (michifer)

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This will of course not be in any book well because... Though it'll make a great book if it was dug in because it's in chronological order.

Don't imagine young Michael and Lucifer arguing then brushing it off with a hug.

Don't imagine Michael healing young Lucifer's minor injuries by kissing them.

Don't imagine Lucifer, tears in his eyes, begging for Michael to hear him out and Michael, tears in his eyes, refusing to do so because Lucifer could have him with three simple words.

Don't imagine their first kiss, the hope in Lucifer's eyes that Michael will run with him and the pain in Michael's eyes because he couldn't love Lucifer more but he still needed to follow his orders(and that's why homosexuality became a sin by the way, 'cause Lucifer was gay).

Don't imagine Lucifer refusing to fight Michael back when Michael was about to cast him away, only begging Michael to stop, tears strolling down both their faces.

Don't imagine Michael's world crumbling after he threw Lucifer in the Cage, don't imagine him crying his eyes out in a corner and avoiding everyone who told him it was the right thing to do because it really, clearly wasn't.

Don't imagine a young Castiel going to see Michael, being the only one Michael lets in because he says nothing, only snuggles in Michael's side without a word, and being Michael's only anchor to stay in Heaven.

Don't imagine Michael thinking of letting himself fall or disobey just to finally die and stop suffering.

Don't imagine the relief on Michael's face when he learned Lucifer was out of the Cage.

Don't imagine Lucifer trying to be mad at Michael but failing when he saw the broken, pain-filled eyes of his love.

Don't imagine the two archangels crying, hugging and kissing instead of fighting the apocalypse and telling the other how much they missed each other.

Don't imagine them being all domestic and couply in Heaven and Hell, and the questions one everyone else's faces.

Don't imagine Michael actually being the teasing one and Lucifer smiling sheepishly and blushing at it.

Just don't imagine it. I did and I died inside.

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