Chapter 336 Yongning

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"Excuse me, are you misunderstanding something? We're from the Five-Colored Sect..." The young man, witnessing Mo Yuzhu's self-sacrifice, attempted to interject, moved by her bravery, fearing Han Li's wrath, but was abruptly cut off by Han Li's icy retort.

"Shut up! Neither of you have a say here. I know you're affiliated with Beast Mountain. But to me, it makes no difference. Should I hear another word from either of you, I'll eradicate your entire faction." Han Li's words were stern, leaving no room for negotiation.

Upon hearing this, the young man flushed with embarrassment and anger, but dared not act upon it, anxiously glancing towards his father for guidance.

Meanwhile, the Five-Colored Sect Master, though outwardly composed, couldn't conceal the concern in his eyes as he observed his son's distress. It was evident that Han Li's words had struck a nerve, instilling fresh unease.

"Give me a reason to spare their lives. This is in the interest of avenging your Mo Family, a request made directly by Fengwu," Han Li directed his words to Mo Yuzhu, his tone firm.

"Fengwu is alive? That's wonderful news! I've been fretting over her fate all this time! I later learned she apparently jumped into the river back then," Mo Yuzhu's face lit up with joy upon hearing Han Li's words.

"Not only Fengwu, but Caihuan and Sister Si are also alive and well, but I'm disappointed in you now. Convince me, or I will still take their lives," Han Li's expression remained cold as he spoke.

Hearing this, the Five-Colored Sect father and son breathed a collective sigh of relief, knowing that the formidable cultivator had abandoned his initial intention to kill them. They understood they were at his mercy.

Seeing their relief, Han Li softened his tone slightly and continued, "However, now that it involves Sister, and your opinions are conflicting, I have no intention of being the villain here. Let Sister deal with it herself. Hopefully, she can convince Fengwu."

With that, Han Li transmitted the whereabouts of Mo Fengwu and Mo Caihuan to Mo Yuzhu via voice transmission.

Relieved, the Five-Colored Sect father and son relaxed, knowing they were spared for the moment. The Five-Colored Sect Master even attempted to ingratiate himself with Han Li, but a cold glare from Han Li made him retreat, understanding that Han Li wasn't interested in further interaction.

"I don't know what means you used to have my Sister marry your son, nor do I intend to pursue it. But in the future, treat my Sister well, or..." Han Li's threat hung in the air, leaving everyone present with no doubt about his intentions.

"Brother Han, you've misunderstood! I can..." Mo Yuzhu hurriedly tried to defend the father and son, but before she could finish, the elder had already spoken:

"Rest assured, Immortal Sir, I will ensure my son treats Yuzhu well and doesn't let her suffer any grievances." The Five-Colored Sect Master, quick on his feet, knew that Han Li wasn't interested in explanations; he simply sought a promise. So, he earnestly assured him.

Han Li nodded, expressing satisfaction.

Moved by his gesture, Mo Yuzhu hesitated for a moment before gently handing over the sleeping girl in her arms.

"Brother Han, I know you're a great immortal now. This is Yining. Hold her. Consider it a bond and a bit of your immortal aura." Mo Yuzhu whispered softly.

Upon hearing her words, Han Li was momentarily stunned. Then, he smiled faintly, accepting the girl without hesitation, and glanced down.

Such innocence in her face, delicate features, fair skin with a hint of rosy cheeks. Though still very young, Han Li could already glimpse the future resemblance to another Mo Yuzhu.

The little girl, perhaps exhausted from playing during the day, remained sound asleep, a sweet smile on her face.

Suppressing the urge to pinch the chubby cheeks, Han Li sighed softly, then retrieved a white jade pendant from his storage pouch and gently placed it in the girl's arms. Then, he returned the girl along with the jade pendant to Mo Yuzhu.

"Although this Spirit-Communicating Jade isn't rare, it can provide warmth in winter, coolness in summer, and ward off pests. Let her keep it as a memento." After several battles, Han Li had acquired various treasures, including this Spirit-Communicating Jade.

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