39: Don't Steal Trophies from the Principal Office!

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*Your mad that a jerk got a medal, when you KNOW you should've won.*

You: Hmmm maybe if I get a trophy, I'll feel better!

*You sneak in the principal office to get into her display case.*

You: Just a little hairpin..

*You open the case, and grab the first trophy you see, before you hear the door rattling.*

You: Noo. :(

*You fit yourself into the trophy.*

Principal: Hmm whats this? Oh a trophy with mold and salt in it... I'll throw it away...

You: How do I even look like mold and salt?

Principal: What who said that?

You: Uhm... mold and salt.

Principal: Oh okay.

*He picks you up, with much pain, outside to the garbage disposal, and leaves.*

You: Now I'll get out... at least I got a trophy...

*The garbage truck comes suddenly, and you have no choice but to hide.*

You: At least if I die... I'll die with a trophy.... wait what trophy is it for anwyays?

*You read the trophy.*


Garbage guy: Who said that?

You: Me.

*Garbage guy screams.*

Garbage guy: Please, take the truck so I don't have to see your awful disgusting face!

You: Mkay... did you have to tell me all of that?

Mold and Salt: It's truee!

You: o.O

100 Things NOT to be Done at School! #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now