Chapter 93: Something Special (16 years, 11 months)

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A cry sounded through the build that Jagger could clearly distinguish amongst the shouting. He knew that voice by heart. He threw open the door to the stairwell as Daven and the alpha handle the rogues on the bottom floor. As he raced up the steps, he spotted the rush of vehicles pulled up to the building out a small window. The members of the local pack charged into the building, being led by Trevor.

A scream echoed from above. Jagger took the stairs two at a time. He kicked open the door on the third floor and took in a deep breath. Raven's scent filtered through the air and with it, mingled the smell of fear.

A rogue spotted him. His expression changed from shock to anger. He ran at Jagger, shifting along the way. The two collided. Jagger flinched at the man's toxins but saw the pain in the eyes of the other werewolf when he dug his claws in deep and ripped them across the man's torso. The rogue toppled to the side and the black werewolf continued on.

The door had been left open to one of the rooms. The sight of the pair inside caused a deep growl to rise up from Jagger's chest. A brown haired man was on top of Raven. Rationality was gone as his mind was filled with a new kind of anger. He would kill this man for what he had done.

Raven reached out toward Jagger with a sad smile. "Jagger?"

The black werewolf stepped into the room with his claws drawn.

"What the hell?" The man climbed over the couch. "You bastard, get out! I won him. I paid you already."

"I'm not from their pack. I'm from his." Jagger nodded toward Raven.

The color drained from the man's face. "Shit."

With a running start, Jagger launched himself over the couch. The man shifted and had his claws out when they collided. The two rolled across the ground as they struggled to get the upper hand. Jagger's skin burned from man's toxins. The bastard was a strong werewolf, but Jagger was running solely off instincts. He would kill this man from what he had done. Jagger flipped them over and went for the brown werewolf's throat. He heard the other dominant gasped for air right before the crunch that sounded when Jagger clamped his jaws down. The struggling stopped. The man's limbs twitched but soon fell still. Jagger squeezed a little tighter and ripped back. Blood covered his tongue and dripped onto his chest. The brown werewolf didn't move as a red puddle formed around his head.

Jagger rose to his feet and realized the amount of pain coursing through his body. He was going to be feeling the toxins for a couple hours.

"Jagger," whispered Raven.

The black werewolf spun around. The sub was curled into a ball, shaking on the couch. Jagger scanned the room and went to the window. He yanked the curtains off the rod. He used one to clean himself up and wrapped the other around Raven.

He knelt on the floor in front of the scared boy. "It's okay." He forced a smile. "Everything okay, now."

Raven burst into tears and threw his arms around Jagger. "I was so scared."

"It's okay." He rubbed his packmate's back. His eyes grew wide when he noticed the blood. "Are you hurt?"

The sub nodded.

Jagger licked his fingers. "Sorry, there's not much I can do." He rubbed them across the marks.

The skin on Raven's leg started to pull together but the redness wasn't going away. Jagger was still feeling a little pain himself so he couldn't imagine what the sub was feeling.

Raven collapsed onto Jagger's shoulder, letting out a deep breath. Jagger gathered the human in his arms. Sweat coated the long-haired boy body. Darius would be able to heal the wounds better than young dominant. Jagger fixed the curtain around the sub and carried Raven out into the hall.

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