Chapter 42: A lot

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"Get out, little fucker."

Mason complaint mumbling wakes me up, and slowly I open my eyes to see Shadow cocking his head at my fiancée, above our bed.

This should be interesting.

"Out." He snaps his fingers pointing to the floor, Shadow just looks at him.

This is amusing.

He isn't one of his men that he can just order around. Dumbass.

"C'mon, don't tell me you're stubborn like Scar-" He stops mid sentence when he looks at me, my eyes narrowed.

"Kitten." He smiles sheepishly, chuckling nervously.

Lifting my torso, I just look at his dark brown eyes. "Care to finish what you were saying?" I raise an eyebrow, my voice thick with sleep.

"Me? Nothing."

"Must have dreamt then?" I sass.

Mason nods. "That. Exactly that, Scarlett. You're exhausted and now you're hearing things."


"Sure..." I trail off, and pat my leg, to where Shadow comes.

"Why does he listen to you and not me?" Mason whines quietly, due to our baby sleeping at the crib beside our bed.

"Maybe because I haven't called him fucker, or stubborn."

"Whatever." He grumbles, laying back again.

Shadow whines, patting his small paws on my lap, and I figure that maybe he wants to pee.

"I have to take him outside." I start to get up, when Mason strong arms wrap around me. "He literally has the kitchen balcony door open."

"He's a puppy and new to the house. We have to teach him." I smile softly at Mason, who rolls his eyes. "It must... I think you love him more than me."

"How do you know?" I smirk, and peck his lips leaving the bed ignoring his dark eyes narrowed at me.

"Call if Alessandro wakes up."

"I'll see, kitten. Maybe he'll love me more than you love me."

I laugh at that, putting my arm above my mouth to quiet the sound down.

His sour face is priceless.

He's such a pissy pants.

I wave a bye, and pat my leg as Shadow follows me.

He's so goddamn cut, even trips on his own paws as he tries to catch up to me.

We walk to the living room, where I open a glass window and head outside to the garden with the pool.

The air is fresh, the sun hitting my face as I breath in the air, Shadow running around.

Mason and I decided to put a punching bag outside, hunging off a tree, and we haven't decided yet what to do with the small cabin at the very corner of our backyard.

We'll let it be for now, it doesn't troubles us.

I seat on the swing, watching Shadow run around, stopping at a corner to do whatever he needs to.

Looking up at the blue sky, I smile.

I'm so grateful for everything that has come on my way since I met Mason.

He gave me everything I've never even dreamt and so much more.

Life is really an unexpected roller-coaster.

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