Chapter 28: Bodyguard

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Apparently my bodyguard has already arrived.

We headed to the mansion after having dinner with my family, Xander and Mason discussing possibilities of what they're looking for.

I don't know how the situation stayed because the three men left for Xander office as I helped Octavia clean the table, and then I fell asleep on the ride so I didn't ask  Mason about it.

Knocking on his office door, where he texted to meet him along with my new best friend.

Note the sarcasm.

It still upsets me a bit, but life isn't always what we want and I know Mason has a lot on his shoulders and it's better to keep me protected.

Entering it, I see-


I grin, being less upset about it.

Mario was pretty cool at Dubai and I can talk shit about Mason that he's all ears.

I'm just kidding, but I might.

I will.

"This is the bodyguard?" I ask at Mason who nods, his gaze slightly confused. "Ok. He's cool."

"Nice to see you again, Miss Scarlett." Mario chuckles, making me roll my eyes at him. "Just Scarlett."

He nods once with a small smile.

It makes me feel old when people use Miss.

"That's it?" Mason frowns, seated on his leather chair.

"Hm, yeah? I can call you idiot and he won't kill me, so I'm good." I shrug earning a roll of his dark eyes.

"Faster than I thought. I've told Mario your rules, he'll follow them. Meanwhile he's the responsible about your protection here on the mansion, obviously he won't follow around, just if the house is under attack-"

"I'm his priority, got it." Mason nods,when I finish for him.

"At your house he'll stay outside the door, unless I'm there." I nod. "Ok boss. Anything else?" I sarcastically retort, making his eyes narrow.

He looks at Mario, who nods in understanding and leaves the office.

"Did you not tell him?" I ask once the door closes behind Mario broad shoulders.

Mason eyes me for a second. "About the pregnancy?"

I nod.

"No. That's up to you, if you feel comfortable with him knowing. Pregnant or not he's being paid to protect your life, that's all." I smile at him in appreciation and walk behind the desk to stand besides the chair he's seated.

"Ok, thank you."

"Come here, sexy." He pulls me by my legs swiftly positioning me above his lap. I lock my arms around his neck as his warm hands brush up and down my thighs.

That's a dangerous move for a pregnant woman.

"Your lips are pale." He mumbles,  his thumb caressing my bottom lip. "I threw up."

I literally was finishing brushing my teeth and tongue before he texted me, now I don't catch him much in the the mornings because I always sleep more than usual, and Mason has a mafia to take care.

My fiancé frowns at me, caressing the side of my face with his knuckles. "Do you need anything?"

"Sleep. My eyes feel heavy." I lay my head on his shoulder, and his hand caresses my back, rubbing up and down.

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