Chapter 21: Carlos

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Waking up, I hear Mason voice.

"We're good...Scarlett is still asleep...She's ok... not injured but other things...three men down?...I'll solve this when we get back, there's things I need to solve still... goodbye dad."

That's all I hear from the talk, since he's on the balcony,  wearing only boxers while leaning against the glass rail.

I think I feel asleep on the limo because I don't remember anything more besides my epiphany at the car.

Mason must changed my clothes since I'm wearing one of his t-shirts, but I still feel makeup on my face.

"I don't know where your wipes are so I didn't take it off." Mason tender voice reaches my ears, and I give him a thumbs up, feeling too tired to keep my eyes open.

"Below the sink, in a blue bag." I mumble.

Minutes after I wake up again, feeling something wet and cold on my face.

"Thanks baby." I mumble to Mason who's cleaning my face of the remains of the makeup.

"How are you?" He asks softly, wiping my eyes. "Tired."

"What about the rest?"

He probably thinks I'm fucking crazy.

Aren't we all? With this life we're not really that sane.

"I'm sorry about last night. I never controlled well my adrenaline, it fucks my brain up." I snort, thinking about how stupid I must have looked.

He chuckles passing the wipe on my lips, pecking them after. "Can I ask you why were you sobbing?"

I let him finish the work, because I feel like this should be a conversation in conditions, not with eyes closed, half asleep.

When he finishes, I sit up  against the headboard, the white sheets falling from my legs when I put my knees to my chest, and I sigh. "My dad used to say that shit like that should've happen in those galas, because they were boring, and that happening made me remind of it, and how much I miss him."

I smile when his head tilts to the side, he's oblivious to it but it means he's engrossed on the conversation and listening with full ears.

He always does it in any kind of talk we have. It makes my heart warm.

"I wish they were here. I wish I could share my happiness with them, you know?" I add, dropping my eyes to the thunder pendant of the necklace around my neck.

"I'm here too, kitten." He states, tucking my hair behind my ear, as I roll my eyes. "I can't talk about you to you."

That would fill his ego even more.

His lips form a smirk. "I'm a mobster, pretty sure I can make two personalities in one body happen."

I chuckle, shaking my head. "You're impossible."

"Learned from you."

I stuck my tongue out, making him roll his dark eyes.

I need to pee.

"I need to go to the bathroom, leave my face, Mason Matteo." I shoo him away making him scoff.

Standing up from the bed, I grin at his scowling race and lean down to nip his lips. "I love you."

He slaps my ass in return. "I love you too."

I give him the finger.


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