Chapter 36: Home

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Someone take me out of here.

Seven months of pregnancy is no joke, and Mackenzie remembered that we had to make a baby party, inviting the women who are married to men affiliated with the Matteo Mafia.

When she told me, I said fine because I thought it was something small, she said it would be... how wrong was I.

The whole living room of the mansion is decorated with blue.

There's a bunch of food, which is good, but the certain looks I'm receiving for carrying the next heir to Mason's empire is unnerving.

I feel bad for Mario. He has to be here, keeping me safe.

Mason is back at home, where we moved to a month and half ago.

Sophia had tons of work for the food and I can see in her face that she's bored as hell.

We're three, counting with Mario.

Mackenzie is enjoying it, being in her paradise while talking with every woman.

God, I just want to go home and sleep in my new bed, that's comfier than clouds.

Literally. Mason gave his all on that home.

"You know half of them aren't here yet, right?" Sophia whispers on my ear, making me gasp. "Please, please tell you're joking.".

She shakes her head. "I wish."

Now I want to cry.

"I can't. Do you see their looks towards me? It's making me angry."

Sophia nods. "I see it, they should have more respect though, these stupid bitches don't know a struggle in life, they always had it easy." Sophia scoffs, shaking her head.

"And how's Archie?" I try to pass the time, asking Sophia about her boyfriend, who she met through tinder. "He's good. We're spending the weekend together."

"That's good. Are things cool between you two?"

She nods with a smile on her face, her eyes twinkling.

Oh, she has it hard.

"Yes. It's a bummer that I can't tell him who I'm really working for, but he knows the reasons I can't tell. He's fine with it though."

"That's good, if he understands instead of getting mad. He's got potential, I approve." I joke, making her laugh. "Maybe one day you'll meet him."

"You can bring him to the wedding." She gasps. "Do you have a date, yet?"

"Kind of. I'm thinking after the baby is born. Like three moths after. But I haven't told Mason, I have to see what he thinks."

I'm ready to marry him, and after Alessandro is born I don't see why not.

I'll have time to prepare everything calmly.

"Honestly I think that's awesome, just keep it to yourself or else all this women will be there. You know how Kenz is."

I snort. "Tell me about it. Poor Mario."

We glance at him, as he keeps his straight posture but I can see it in his eyes that he preferred being at home with his family.

He has a little daughter with five years, and his wife.

"Yeah... he must be bored as hell."

Nodding, I stand and tell Sophia to wait a minute while I go over to him.

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