Chapter 43: Dress hunt

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I'm a mom for three months now. Alessandro is growing up too fast, and I don't like it.

Just kidding, but he really needs to slow down, or I might just go crazy and have a bunch of babies that I can hold in my arms.

Currently, Alessandro is with Dominic as Mackenzie, Sophia and I are on a wedding dress hunt.

I would've invite Rachel too, but she's a mom now as well, and this first weeks are hard to manage, I know it.

She didn't mind but told to send her pics.

I'll show her later at dinner where I'll see my godson, Conan.

Mario is driving us to the shop, and I made him promise not to tell a single soul, or else I would put a bullet where the sun doesn't shine.

The wedding is in a month, and maybe I told Mackenzie we're half done with the decorations but in reality... Mason and I haven't planned anything.

Sure, we've talked how we wanted it, but we haven't called anyone.

He says there's no rush, since he is who he is, and that if he called a hour before the ceremony, it would all be ready in time.

They're all too scared of him. Only if they knew him like I do.

He's such a great dad too. So fucking sweet.

My ovaries nearly burst.

"Are you nervous?" Sophia asks, and I shrug. "Maybe not, just excited and anxious, a little."

"Personally, I love the three of them, you see which one you feel more comfortable wearing." She reassures, and I send her a grateful smile.

It's good to have these friendships. Besides Wes and Rach I was pretty much a loner.

My body is almost in its usual shape, Mason stays with Alessandro while I work out two hours a day.

It was easy to get back in track, and I feel better each day. It helps me feel relaxed after.

Reaching the shop, Mario stays inside the SUV as we enter.

A blonde girl smiles warmly at us, and Mackenzie gives her name making her know exactly what she's talking about.

She goes inside a room, telling us to seat inside the second door, where it has a huge mirror in three walls, the other has a couch leaned, where Sophia, Mackenzie and I seat, waiting.

My knee bobs up and down anxiously.

"Here they are. Who's the bride?"

The girl smiles, putting the dresses hanging, and I raise my hand smiling.

"Uh, the guy must be a lucky one. I'm Anaya."

"Scarlett. Indeed he is."

The four of us chuckle.

"Well, you can dress them inside of that booth, I'll help you if you need?"

"I would appreciate it, thank you." I stand up, and walk with her towards a both covered by a, soft pink  curtain.

The girls here can't see us.

"Which one is first?" Anaya asks excitedly.

"Honestly...pick you, I'm too anxious." I chuckle nervously, making her wave a hand in dismiss. "Completely normal, belive me."

"Are you married?"

"I am, for five years already" She shows me her gold band, with a small rose crystal in the middle. "We married young, but when you know he's the one, you know."

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