Chapter 1: Arrival

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Two months after, and here I am again. Wes is picking me up along with his wife at the airport. I missed them, a lot.

This trip made me so good. I ended up staying a month more than what I was expecting but I'm finally good with myself and mentally stabilized.

I think that's the most important thing you can do for yourself.

Of course that exists a huge hole on me, I left the man I love, no calls , texts, nothing... It's my fault, I didn't even called Wes.

Snapping me out of my trance, two people knock my breath out, hugging me as soon as I pick my luggage. Wes and Rachel.

"Hi." I laugh, patting their backs. "You bitch! I thought you were dead!" Wes fake glares at me making me grin. "I was but I reborned."

It feels like it, except one part...

"I'm so glad you're back, I'm seriously thinking on asking divorce. He's been such a pain in my ass." Rachel glares at Wes, as return she receive as slap on her ass. I smile at their teasing, and memories of Mason fload back on my mind.

I want to see him, but I don't know how he will react. Is he mad? I have no idea but I don't have the balls, yet, to face him.

I decide to call Mackenzie once the other two are dragging my own suitcases for me.

She accepts the call immediately. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! You're back? Please say yes!"

I chuckle at her excitement, dodging some troubled people passing by me with their own luggage and passports. "I am. I arrived twenty minutes ago."

"Oh my god! You got to come see us! Sophia is killing you for not saying goodbye, but she understands." I hear a 'I do!' next to Kenz and grin recognizing Sophia voice.

Fuck, I miss them.

It's actually a foreign feeling. For so long I was so used to be with myself only, that I forgot how it was to have friends.

Sure, Wes and everyone else were with me, but they're family. Friends from outside of the circle I didn't had any.

"I'm so sorry.  I'm back again, and better then ever."

"Are you though? Don't you miss him?"

"I do." I sigh, feeling the smile on my face gradually disappear.

Mason makes me feel complete but I couldn't give him anything in the state I was in. It would end up ruining us both.

"I think he understands that too, maybe just in the deeps of his heart but he does."

"How is he?" I question, my voice low.

"A mess. He only glares, barely talks, works and punches the gym bag a lot, like a lot really. He had to buy two of them just between these two months."

Shit. I feel bad, I really do. His face when I knocked at the bedroom he slept in while we were in Russia... fuck, it taunts me.

"Hm. I have to go. Call you later." I rush behind the two idiots almost running to the car.

I feel guilty in all honestly, because I made Mason feel like that.

"Bye Scar. Please don't give up on him."

"Never." I say and hung up taking a deep breath.

It's everything going to be just fine.



Since Wes picked up my car at Mason's mansion, I headed to the grocerie store after putting all my things inside my penthouse.

Casper, the old man at the lobby entrance, seemed surprised to see me. Obviously he though I moved out... only if he knew...

Leaving five months obviously my house is empty on food, so I have to restock it. A lot, may I say.

I'm currently on the elevator with three full, heavy bags. Once the metal doors open I head to the end of the white corridor, with black carpet, to the black door with a golden doorknob, and the number 74 in the middle, who gives access to the inside of my house.

I miss it here, being alone, with such space and such a nice view. I bought it not because I knew Wes and our family wanted me to, but because sometimes everything got so overwhelming.

The thought of intruding on their personal growth as a family, the memories attached to every corner of the house with my parents... I felt like a burden sometimes, so this was the best deal to me.

It has my style, no attachments to anything, and it was half of a new start for my seventeen year old brain.

Rummaging through my bag to see where the keys are, I take them out and unlock my door, opening it and reveling the dark inside.

As I go to pick up the groceries bags, I froze.


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