Chapter 25: Ultrasound

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"Hi." I whisper to the two graves in front of me.

My parents graves.

They're both black, with gold letters, the right one says Kane Kyo Black, the left one says Ramsey Mazikeen Black.

I put tulips on my mom's grave and roses on my dad's one, before seating down on the green grass.

I come here usually once a month.

"I have exciting news. I'm engaged and pregnant, all in one month, pretty crazy huh?" A smile tugs on my lips as a chilly breezes flies by me.

I like to think  it's their answer to me.

"It's all crazy, and may seem rushed but I'm truly happy. I thought a lot about you in Dubai. I wish I could've shared my happiness with you, you're my best friends. Always." A tear falls from each eye.

I let them, I always cry here, it's impossible not to.

"I miss you, a lot."

"Carlos said it was a risky pregnancy due to my... torture months. I'm scared. The fucker took so much from me already, couldn't this just be over?" A sob leaves my body. "I haven't told my thoughts about this to Mason. I don't want him to be double worried about it. He has already so much on his shoulders."

"I wish I could just hug you you both for the last time. It's so hard." Another sob escapes my lips, but I wipe my tears when hear the leafs on the ground crack.

Looking behind me I see Wesley.

"Hey." He smiles down at me, I do the same.

When he seats next to me, he hugs my side and I let him. He caresses my hair as I hug my knees to my chest, both of us looking at the graves in silence.

Wes cames here frequently too, my parents were important to him as well.

After a couple of minutes in silence Wes breaks it. "How was Dubai?"

I chuckle and show him my hand, he gasps.

"Really?" I nod looking at his eyes. Wes grins hugging me harder. "I'm so happy for you, congratulations!"

"There's more..."

He's my best friend and was always here for me, he can keep a secret.


I take a deep breath before saying it. "I'm pregnant."

Wes pulls his body back, gaping at me. "Oh my fucking God! Really?"

I nod  grinning , a tear falling.

"That's wonderful, what the fuck! That's amazing." He hugs me again as I laugh into his shoulder.

"Thank you."

"Mason knows?"

I nod. "Can you please not tell anyone? It's a risky one, and until the most critical months pass, I don't want to share it, only Dominic knows."

He nods, locking eyes with me. "Of course Scarlett. I'm here for you." I smile and kiss his cheek in thanks.

He has always been like a brother to me. I'm glad I haven't lost him too.

"Tell me, what more happened there?"Wes grins at me, his arm going around my shoulders, happiness radiating off him.

I grin gladly starting to blurt everything. I haven't told all things to my parents either.

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