Chapter 37: Kicks

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Eight months carrying our little boy, and counting.

With me looking like I have a whale on my belly.

Back pains are being my worst enemy , it's a pain to find a comfortable position to sleep, and I end up always kicking Mason in some place.

So here I am, laying on my left side with my head on Mason's bicep, as his other hand rests above my belly between us, my legs almost above his.

The sun rays enter by our curtains, illuminating his face and I stare at his profile.

Keen jaw, long eyelashes, clear tanned skin, and strands of his dark hair falling on his forehead.

I cup his cheek with my hand, my thumb brushing on his cheekbone as his chest goes up and down with his relaxed breaths.

I just can't get enough of him, in everything, even when he's stressed and hot headed from the business.

If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here today. He's my savior.

Also, I haven't shared yet my plans for the weeding, but I think that now that Alessandro is almost here, I should.

When our baby comes, we will have a lot of preoccupations, so we should enjoy now to organize it.

"You're drooling, kitten." Mason muses with eyes closed, making me laugh softly, brushing away the hair on his eyes. "Careful, it might fall to your face."

He opens his dark eyes, blinking slowly and tired at me. "I would kick your ass." His voice is low, faint and raspy.

"I'm pregnant, it wouldn't be a fair fight." I whisper, my finger tracing the bridge of his nose.

A slow smile spreads on his face, looking as lazy as he sounds. "Let Alessandro be born, and then I'll kick your ass."

"You know what else could we do after Alessandro is born?"

He smirks approaching his face to mine.

He's awake now, huh?

I'm the pregnant here and he's the one always thinking of other things.

"What?" Mason whispers, and I lower my finger to trail his collarbone and shoulder, not meeting his eyes.

"We could get married." I whisper.

The bedroom falls silent, so I meet his yes who are beaming with happiness, a grin on his face.

"Like... right after he's born? Next day?" I laugh as he wiggles his eyebrows. "No idiot, two, three moths after. I need to get in shape and recover. I'll have a human getting out of me, it's no easy task."

Mason rolls his eyes. "Fine."

I snort, and kiss his forehead. "I need to take a shower." He grins, getting up and making me pout at his warmth leaving my body.

"Come on, beautiful." He comes to my side, making me laugh in understanding of what he's doing.

His arms go below my body and he grunts, gently picking me up in bridal style.

Giggling, I wrap my arms around his neck as he takes us to the the bathroom. "I don't know how you handle my weight."

My soon to be husband chuckles. "Who do you take me for? I'm a mafia boss, I have strength even to carry eight month pregnant women."

I sigh loudly. "Always so full of yourself Xavier."

He winks with a childish grin, and puts my feet on the ground gently.

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