Chapter 33: Irresistible

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My eyes flutter open and I have to blink them hard to adapt myself at the white lights on the ceiling.

Looking around me, I realize the white monotonous room that belongs to the medical wing of the mansion.

Events start flowing back into my mind.

The way we took that motherfucking gang down, how I was shot and stabbed, but ignored it to finish the task.

They were threatening Scarlett life, were responsible by the attack in Dubai, and were the ones behind the FBI situation.

No way those fuckers would mess with my family and get away with it.

I feel something warm on my hand and looking at my side I see Scarlett sleeping, her fingers interlaced on mine.

A desperate and somehow nervous chuckle slips my throat, knowing that she's pissed at me.

I hear a noise at the door and looking there, I see Dion with a smirk. "You found a beast of a woman."

"What did she do?" My voice comes out hoarse.

I need water.

"Nothing, just pointed a gun at my head, and left your men all disoriented." I blink at his chuckling form.

She what?

"Mackenzie was so shocked. They've never seen that side of her."

I nod.

She doesn't let it out often.

"How long was I out?"

"Almost four days. She hasn't left your-"

Four, what?

"I'm so dead." I grumble thinking of how much my beautiful woman will cut my balls off and feed them to the wolves.

Dion chuckles. "You are. Also..." He trails off making me frown. "What?"

"Everyone knows about the pregnancy. It slipped my mouth while trying to stop her to see you."

Holy shit, I'm definitely dead.

"Shit. I'll talk it out with her." He nods. "Well I'm heading out, good luck with her." He smirks making me send my middle finger.

I will need lots of luck though.

Admiring the, still, peaceful girl next to me, I sigh getting ready for my execution.

I lied to her saying it was just a dinner, and ended up with this. I just didn't want her to worry, but guess I did worse.

Fuck, at this point I don't know what to do anymore.

I know the risks of her condition so I thought it was a lie for the best. Never crossed mind I could end up in the medical wing, but that's my ego's fault.

Gently I caress her hair, trying to wake her up.

She frowns but doesn't wake up.

I poke her shoulder, making her hum.

"Scarlet, baby." I whisper, brushing my finger in her small nose.

"What?" She mumbles, slowly opening her breathtaking gray eyes.

Biggest fail of my life is having this woman mad at me. I'm a loser.

"I'm alive." I try to joke, seeing if I can calm the beast down.

Scarlett lifts her head, running a hand down her face as I hesitantly watch her.

When she locks eyes with me it's a swirl of happiness, relief, anger and whatever more. I can't decipher it.

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