Ch60: The Mission

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(Fuck\(-_______-;)/ )

Five Days Later...

Im in the lab and I'm equipping myself with some weapons I've made over the last five days that are in my specialty. Brian was with me gearing up too for the mission.

"Hey." Brian said

I looked at him and he leaned on the table as he fixed a grenade on his belt.

"The people you care do you think of them?" He asked," I've noticed you crumble completely when you lose one of them and stuff and uh...I'm curious how you see us as..."

I was a little surprised he asked but thought of a way to put it.

"Well everyone I care about is like my earth! I need earth to keep me going, to keep growing y'know?" I asked," you guys are my world, I don't wanna lose my world."

He looked surprised but smiled.

"Hey." Marcel said and we looked at him by the stairs," you guys ready?"

"Yeah we are." I answered

I grabbed my mask and let mel get on. Mel then changed shape and moved to be on me like a backpack but was a bit of a square.

Me and brian headed off with marcel and got to the living room. Everyone was ready for the mission while bexley was just chilling.

"Don't die Y/N." She warned

I huffed an smiled as I shook my head. I put my mask on and then evan sighed.

"Everyone ready? You guys know what you're all doing right?" Evan asked

Everyone nodded and then brian passed me an ear piece. I took it and put it on as he did a quick check.

"Alright." Evan said," go in, get the drives, do some stuff in between, destroy the building and then go home. Thats it."

The others nodded and then grouped up with who we were assigned to do our part with. Me and brian stuck together an marcel was with us too.

Me and brian were in charge of getting the drives and marcel needs to make sure we're alright while we're getting them.

Anyways, we all headed out and went to different vehicles. Someone grabbed my shoulder and I looked to see smitty and kryoz.

"Don't get shot, alright?" Smitty said concerned

"I'll be alright." I reassured," You two come back so I can mess with your hair."

They both chuckled a bit and then evan told us to get ready to head out. We left each other and I went with marcel an brian to a van. I got on in back with marcel and closed the door.

Brian started driving and I looked at marcel. We both took off our masks for a bit and he gave me a small smile.

"You think you'll be alright if me an brian gotta split or we somehow split up?" He asked

"Bexley and delirious have been training me real hard the past five days, I feel ready." I said," especially after fighting both of them and barely winning, I feel like I got somewhere."

He nodded but then put out his fist.

"Lets make it out, okay?" He said," lets keep ta going..."

I looked at him determined and put my fist against his.

"Lets keep ta going." I said," lets keep the whole team going."

We put our arms down and he gave me a few quick lessons on how to get out of a head lock or being held at gun point.

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