Ch22: Mother Future pt.2

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Sm0l time SKOPPER

A few minutes or so pass and I'm fine now. Me and the BBS, along with Madam Future have talked about it a little more but I felt a lot better after the topic was finished .

The guys are back in their seats and I thought Madam Future was now a nice and super power wielding hero!... Ish?

That's till she grabbed my shoulders an whispered in my ears again.

"I know we've discussed your wounds, but what about your love interest~!" She cooed," And I'm not talking about the man you left due to safety! No, I'm talking about the one in this room~!

"Who? What love interest! Which one??" Kryoz immediately asked

"Wait you like one of us?" Vanoss asked

"Don't play dumb boys! The one her eye is on has an eye on her, and they had a very romantic evening together~!" She cooed

I felt my cheeks heat up, they were burning but I had to say something.

"Not to be rude, but I think you've made a mistake?" I said an shrugged her off

"Oh really?" She asked," Fine, we can smoke him out the hard way!"

"That's not necessary because-"

"Because you're afraid it'll be frowned upon by your piers? You're afraid it'll make them hurt the man for sleeping with you?" She asked

"What- No! Because I haven't slept with any of them!" I replied

"Yet." She mumbled

"EXCUSE ME!!" Everyone, including me, asked

"Oh now everyone want's answers." She said," Anyways, For the man who so lovingly promised Our Jewel with sweet nothings....Did you enjoy her? Did you miss her the next day and couldn't help but want to relive your night with her?"

"Okay, I'm right here and now that you say it like that-"

"Hush little jewel, He needs to come out with it!" She said," My ships must sail!"

"I'm sorry what did you just say-"

She hushed me and then turned to the boys. I looked at tyler for a quick second and he seemed on edge.

"Tell me, do you want to shower her in love after you did the devils tango?" She continued to ask," Do you want to kiss her each time she flashes you a smile of loyalty? Do you enjoy the little touches she allows you to do when you have a chance to touch her sweet, perfectly carved body made from the heavens?"

I crossed my arms a bit and felt my cheeks heat up more to the point where it reached across my nose.

"Okay- you're trying to turn us all on, on purpose bitch!" Cartoonz complained

"It may arouse you, but to the one who's actually felt her heavenly skin on his feels it deeper than any of you!" She said as she walked around all of them now

"Y/N just tell us- better yet whoever slept with her just confess! You aren't in trouble just make this lady shut up before I sleep with her next!" Vanoss complained

"All of you are stubborn, especially when it comes to the truth of your love~!" Madam Future said

I wanted to say it but she would've just shushed me again. She want's tyler to say it but why him? She then smirked and looked at me.

"Did you like the way she topped you and took control~! The way she pleased you and let you hold her like if death were to take you away from each other~!" She cooed as she started walking closer to tyler," The way she kissed you, the way her lips felt soft against yours~!"

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