Ch103: Spa Jealously

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The Next Day

"REX!" Bexley screamed

I jumped awake an looked around. Bex was by my bed and had a bunch of face mask packets and other shit.

"What? Whats wrong?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes

"You need some spa time and relaxation!" She said," so I bought us some shit that professional spa's use!"

"Bex-...bex I was asleep." I said," I-I could've just slept!"

"A spa sounds more fun." She said as she shook what she had excitedly

I sighed an smiled at her.

"You're lucky I love you!" I teased

"I love you too, now get naked an put on a robe!" She teased

I chuckled as she put down the shit she had an went to close the curtains of the balcony. She locked the door as well and then went to her room to probably get a robe on as well.

I got up an stretched an went to my closet. I got undressed and took out a robe an put it on. I kept my panties on at least cause it didn't feel right to have no underwear while wearing something furry-ish.

Bex then came back with some boxes and two males.

"Oh my god bex-"

"Its fine, I'm paying them and you need this." She said

"How did you get them in the house?" I asked as one of them came behind me," where did you find them and is this really- oh!"

The guy who got behind me massaged my shoulders and it felt good.

"Ya know what, I'm not complaining." I said as it started to feel relaxing

She chuckled an then we both got on my bed. We both hugged a pillow an rested our chins on the pillow as we got a massage and it really felt great...

Kryoz POV

So apparently evan allowed Bexley to give Y/N a personal spa day and me an smitty are in charge of watching over bell. But the others were jealous of the guys who came in.

"Evan, those dudes are gonna be touching our crow!!" Marcel said," are you not concerned about what they do??"

"No because I trust bexley to get professionals and she'd never get people who would probably danger Y/N." Evan said," besides its a great idea! Y/N deserves to relax after all the shit thats happened."

"But they'll be touching her!!" Nogla complained

"Well how else is a spa supposed to work." Evan said

"Wow you people are jealous." Bell said

Evan chuckled an then left to the kitchen. Bell then smirked and looked innocent.

"Man, I must be so lucky that she gives me hugs! So close to her body and she lets me cuddle with her when I'm scared!" Bell said innocently

"You, kid, are waking up demons." Luke teased," stop it."

"I bet she learned it from bexley." I said

"Oh yeah, momma bex told me to act cocky whenever I felt bored." Bell said

"What about momma Y/N?" Smitty asked

"Momma crow gives me attention and makes me feel loved!" She answered then hummed innocently," anyone else hear moaning?"

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