Bonus: Predator and Rage Runner

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This is just a bonus! Like how would Predator, rage and Y/N be if they were left unsupervised and all by their lonesome. Also thank you to everyone who has been reading and commenting, I absolutely love your comments and love how hilarious they are or confused! You all are amazing and I'm glad you're enjoying! Also this bonus will be relevant later in the story. Enjoy!! ,'3

3rd POV

"You are oddly quiet, do you know that?" Rage asked

"I don't like to speak too much." Predator answered

"I can see that." Rage said then laughed like a lunatic

"So what are we gonna do about the burning neighborhood?" Y/N asked

"Let it burn, we didn't start it." Rage said

"You threw crows fire grenades-"

"Exactly, the grenades started the fire." Rage said

Y/N giggled and Predator looked at the fires.

"We didn't start the fire!" I cheered," it was always burning since the world's been turning!"

"Yeah!" Rage laughed


The neighborhood was collapsing as fire fighters tried to stop the fires. Police started to arrived on scene as well as news reporters.

They stopped cheering and made a run for it as they both had snuck Y/N out of the house.

"I see why you're always grounded like a child now." Rage said

"Fuck!" Y/N said as she hoped they didn't see them

They didn't see them luckily but did see a glimpse of rage which was perfect as this would be normal and not suspicious to The BBS.

Once they were hidden in some alleyways in the city, they laughed except Predator. He doesn't laugh.

"Well aren't we idiots." Y/N teased

"You are definitely dead." Rage grinned

"I'm dead all the time for something, it's fine!" She teased," but lets go do something that doesn't drag the media's attention."

"ALCOHOL!" Rage cheered

"I ain't getting drunk with you!" Y/N laughed

"Worth a shot." Rage said," what do you think Predator?"

The two looked at Predator and he didn't expect to be asked anything. He looked at both then at Y/N. The little innocent voice of a forgotten memory came to his head again and he had a place in mind.


"A toy shop?" Rage questioned

"Awe!" Y/N teased then gasped," oh! Look at the bears! They look so cuddly."

She ran in and Predator followed. The employees froze and hid under the counter of the cash register. Y/N picked up a teddy bear and felt its soft fur.

"Its so soft!!" She giggled

Rage went in after and looked around bored.

"Last time we let you pick something fun." Rage said

"What! He can continue picking!" Y/N said

"Really?" Rage asked then saw a shark," oo~!"

"I like it, he can pick somewhere else if he has another place in mind." She teased

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