Ch20: It's Over

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(LMAO me honestly!)

I was looking into the alleyway and suddenly that voice from a mysterious memory came back...

"I know what it's like to be scared, it's okay."

'Where is this memory from?'

"But you shouldn't let it control you."

"Hey! Talk to us! Are you alright?" Smitty asked concerned

I nodded and then took in a deep breath.

"I'm fine." I replied

I was still looking into the alleyway and can see faint movements of fighting and hear faint sounds of grunting.

'I shouldn't let it control me! Not now- Not Ever!'

I can feel my body shaking a bit but I built up my courage and clenched my hands into fists.

"Y/N whatever you are thinking about- stop it!" Vanoss said

I saw him by the corner of my eye going to grab me but I knew what I had to do. I knew what I had to face, to overcome!

"We're leaving and-"

I ran back into the alleyway and they panicked.

"Y/N!!!" Vanoss yelled, the panic real in his voice

My heart started racing more and I felt like I was gonna have a stroke, but I kept running. I saw delirious leaning on a wall as cartoonz an ohm tried to get salim off tyler.

Salim had tyler pinned to the ground and a knife to his neck. I felt anger rise within me, taking over my fear as my fear started to bury itself in the back of my head. Delirious saw me an pushed himself off the wall.

"I told you to go!" He hissed

"W-well too bad!" I said, my voice still covered in fear

Salim looked at me and threw cartoonz an ohm off him.

"Y/N run!" Tyler demanded as he grabbed salim's ankle

Salim was gonna stab him for grabbing him but my eyes widened and I acted quick.

"Til death do us part!!" I said quick and panicked

Salim froze as my heart was beating out of my chest. He shoved tyler off him and away as he then looked at me.

"Remember that?" I asked," Our little catchphrase to let each other know we still love each other..."

He didn't say a word as he looked at me. No one made a sound or even moved, or none that I could see at least.

"You made that catchphrase." Salim finally said," After I doubted you to have really loved me."

My nails dug into the palm of my hand cause he doubted me a lot of times.

"Yeah!" I hissed," Remember our wedding!!"

He didn't change but suddenly his eyes widened and I glared at him.

"You don't cause you were arrested and kill over 7 thousand people!" I hissed," Murder was more important than the wedding you fucking planned! Getting arrested was more important then seeing me at the alter- which news flash! You left me at! I stood there for over ten hours waiting for you!!"

He dropped his knife and just stood there.

"All these years, you changed! You started hurting me-"


"Oh REALLY!" I growled," I'M THE FUCKING LIAR! Tell me, what were you doing at a strip club the day before our wedding? Hm!"

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