Ch94: The Bet/ Taken

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The Next Day


Today was the day to win the bet. We were on the roof top of a building and about to storm a building, or really make it go BOOM.

"Okay how many people are in the building!" I asked again

"Like at least 200." Evan answered

"Good enough!" I cheered

I pressed the button and we waited for the building under us to blow up.

"Get ready to jump!" I cheered

The building started to explode from the bottom and started coming up. The guys jumped first as I tossed down some grenades that would let out a safe landing for them.

I jumped after them and the news crew that was doing a different story turned to us. I glided down and couldn't wait to see the news later...

3rd POV

The BBS made their announcement of still being alive as Y/N handled and protected them from the cops who arrived.

Rage was near by and watched the show. He grinned and listened in on the news people.

"A building of hundreds and hundreds of a mafia dealing tower was blown up by none other than The Crow and The BBS seem to be teaming with her!" The lady reported," The leader is making his announcement on how they're still in the gang game and Crow is protecting them!"

"Cheeky little birdie~!" Rage grinned," very cheeky!"

He climbed a fire escape an watched the show of his little bird kicking ass. The boys started helping Y/N and helped her cash in her kills to win the bet.

Smitty took out a cop behind her an she turned around as he put his hands on her hips.

"Hey~!" He flirted

She shot a cop behind him an giggled.

"Hi!" She replied

Rage saw this little interaction and watched closely. Smitty lifted his mask to reveal his mouth as he moved her mask to do the same.

He pulled her closer as they both shot some cops around them.

"So wanna go on a date later by the beach?" Smitty asked

"You're seriously asking me that now?" She asked

He smiled and then kissed her.

"Smitty really!" Delirious hissed

Smitty distracted her as she got off guard.

'Oh she's taken, well with a goddess body like that I should've expected it.' Rage thought

He then noticed some cops trying to take advantage of their distraction and rage jumped down and ran in. He killed the cops an it added to his kill count.

This caught Y/Ns attention as she pulled away an fixed her mask.

"Dammit Smitty!" She whined a bit

He chuckled at her but only did it because he heard what luke did. Rage put out his fist to Y/N an gave her a grin.

"I didn't take you for the kiss in the middle of a battle type?" Rage sneered

She rolled her eyes but gave him a fist bump.

"Shut up! He distracted me!" She said embarrassed

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