Ch29: The Cold Call

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??? POV

"Should we go in?" My partner asked

"Let's just watch how it goes. She has a week left and if they don't get her by the morning of monday of the second week, then we go in but don't reveal ourselves." I said

"But she might not survive-"

"No no, she will. Salim has done worse to her, an as a result she will prevail." I replied

'It's too bad we had to step in for our Sister.'

The first snow of an early December dawned on us and time was running out.

"Tick tock, BBS." I said as I looked up at the falling snow," Tick tock."

(( •̀ ω •́ )✧)

A Few Hours Later...

Evan POV

"Tyler sit your ass down or I will knock you the fuck out!" Marcel warned, trying to stop tyler from going out again

"Only delirious knows how to knock us out! Fuck off!" Tyler warned

"Hey!" Tom barked," You need to stop, you aren't helping-"

"At least it's something-"

"She wouldn't want you putting yourself in danger like this though." Brock spoke up

"We only have a week left! I'm not sitting down for shit-"

"If you haven't noticed AsShOlE we fucking know!! She's my best friend and you don't know her like me-"

"She's my girlfriend, bitch! And I'll look for her whether you like it or not!" Tyler growled

"Dating her or not, you don't know who you're fucking with when it comes to her best friend! She will drop you without hesitation if I convince her the right way!" Tom growled," And don't fucking test me cause I have thousands of reasons of why she should drop your ass-"

Tyler growled at him angrily an tried to grab him. Cindy interfered and instantly pinned tyler to the ground.

"Thas enough outta both of ye!" She ordered," No one's goin' anywhere and no one's dropping anybody! Now shut ya mouths and let's figure something out! We work better as a team not enemies so cut te shit before I start dealin' some damage!"

She got off Tyler and he got up as he growled a little.

"She could be hurt right now or worse-"

"Ay! Someone's coming!" Luke warned

Everyone looked outside as the snow made it difficult to see who was coming. They got to the door and we saw salim. Everyone got on guard and took out their weapons or anything to defend themselves.

"Oi! Screws for brains, we don't have time for yer shit! Turn yer ass around an start walkin'!" Cindy growled

He came inside an had his hands in his pockets. I could clearly see everyone was now paranoid and high alert but something didn't look right.

He then took out a phone an put his hands up in surrender. Everyone froze as he looked unamused and bored.

"No one told me she went missing." He said," If I'd know you could've found her faster-"

"Like if we'd tell you shit!" Linsey hissed

"What makes you think we'd tell you anything! And who the fuck snitched cause I have some bullets who wanna-"

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